
Welcome to Fiavé - The village of the outer Giudicarie valleys

Fiavé is a village of about 1200 inhabitants located in the province of Trento, in Trentino-Alto Adige, in the region of the outer Giudicarie valleys. Characterized by a cool climate, Fiavé is located on the morainic plateau of Lomaso. One of the main attractions of the municipality is the Fiavé Biotope, which is part of UNESCO's Italian World Heritage Sites. Come and discover with us the history, monuments, and places of interest in Fiavé.

Origins of the name

The name Fiavé has ancient origins dating back to the 13th century. In Latin, it was called ''fabulētum'', which means a branch or a support stick for legume plants. Through linguistic metathesis, the toponym became ''flavedo'' and then "Fiavé".

Fiavé: history, monuments, and nature in the outer Giudicarie valleys.


Fiavé has a millennial history and artifacts dating back to the Bronze Age. Starting from the Roman era, the village was part of the municipality of Brescia and was divided into two districts: the Sabadini district in the south and the Sotratori district in the north. In the medieval and modern era, Fiavé was regulated through the Carte di Regola and then from 1996 by the Municipal Statute. Noteworthy is the presence of Don Lorenzo Guetti, the founder of Trentino's cooperation, who promoted the birth of the second Trentino rural bank in the Raiffeisen system in Fiavé.


The coat of arms of Fiavé was adopted in 1991 and represents the Fiavé bog with a green water lily and the Fiavé cup on the bottom, in a gold-yellow field.

Monuments and places of interest

Fiavé is a municipality rich in ancient churches. The Church of the Immaculate and of the Saints Fabiano and Sebastiano is the parish church located in the main square of Fiavé. Built in 1885 on the site of the previous one from the 16th century, it features a beautiful fresco by the painter Giovanni Battisti Ognibeni. The Church of St. Anthony Abbot in Stumiaga is probably the oldest, first mentioned in 1482. Finally, the Church of St. Biagio Bishop and Martyr in Favrio dates back to the 16th century.

Natural wonders abound: in addition to the Fiavé Biotope, it is possible to visit the waterfalls of Rio Bianco, along the road that leads from Favrio to Passo Duron. In addition to what nature offers, Fiavé does not lack cultural activities, such as the traditional lamb festival and the livestock fair.

We are happy to invite everyone to visit our municipality, Fiavé, where nature and history merge into a unique combination. Come and discover the beauties of the province of Trento!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Thursday, Feb 24, 2022