
Welcome to Fiamignano, the highest municipality of the Salto Valley!

We are thrilled to introduce you to Fiamignano, a picturesque and welcoming municipality located in the province of Rieti in Lazio, Italy. With a population of 1199 inhabitants, Fiamignano sits above the Salto Valley and represents the highest of the four municipalities that are part of the Salto Valley.

The natural wonder

The territory of Fiamignano, at almost one thousand meters of altitude, is mainly made up of mountains where forests of oak, beech and fir trees adorn the vast area. Among the Serra Mountains, the Tra Le Serre and Monte Nuria, three famous plateaus extend: Rascino Plateau, Cornino Plateau, and Piani d'Aquilente Plateau. During the winter season, cross-country skiing and many other activities can be enjoyed here. While in spring and summer, hiking lovers, on foot or on horseback, will appreciate the stunning landscapes this territory has to offer. And let's not forget the beautiful Lake Salto, which is partly in the territory of the municipality.

The fauna is mainly composed of wolves, foxes, wild boars, rabbits, and hares. While in the forests of the plateau, mushrooms of various species can be found. Furthermore, the cultivation of lens culinaris is widespread in this territory.

Fiamignano: the highest municipality of the Salto Valley!

The climate

Fiamignano is classified as a zone F with an average of 3163 GR/G.

Discovering the history of Fiamignano

The Roman era

According to historians, Fiamignano was the ancient equine city of Cliternia Equicola, which in Roman times reached the status of municipium. From Pliny, it is known that the city was located in the equine territory, while the artifacts found on site testify to the importance of this vicus, probably the most notable in the area. In the square of Fiamignano, you can admire the inscription of the censors Marci Lartiedi Sabini, father, and son, relating to the construction of an aqueduct and the restoration of a fanum. In addition, another epigraph mentions a certain Sellusius Certus, a quaestor and duumvir of Cliternia.

The Roman foundation of Cliternia dates back to the republican age, and is linked to the Roman conquest of the equine territory in 302 BC. The territory of the Res publica Aequiculanorum ended to the west near Rieti, in the fraction of Grotti di Cittaducale. The Salto, instead, served as a natural border between the territory of Cliternia and that of Nersae.

Moreover, on Mount Aquilente, in Sant'Angelo locality, there is a polygonal masonry terracing that encloses a roughly rectangular area, about 35 x 14 meters. The presence of Roman sanctuaries in polygonal masonry on the territory of Fiamignano is very common.


Fiamignano is a place rich in history, culture, and an abundance of natural beauties. Its high position and its mountain ranges offer a unique and unforgettable atmosphere. It could be the ideal place for a mountain vacation away from the hustle and bustle of the city. We invite you to visit our beautiful town and enjoy its beauty!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Monday, Apr 4, 2022