
Discovering Ferrere: a small Piedmontese village

If you're looking for a peaceful and authentic village in northern Italy, Ferrere might be the right choice for you. Located in the province of Asti, in the heart of Piedmont, this municipality of only 1533 inhabitants offers picturesque landscapes, good food, and a fascinating history. In this article, we'll take you on a journey to discover some of Ferrere's monuments and places of interest, its traditions, and its demographic evolution.

Physical geography

Ferrere is crossed by two small rivers that converge at a precise point in the village. They're not large or impetuous rivers, but their presence makes Ferrere even more fascinating and suggestive. The area is characterized by seven hills, each with its name and peculiarity, from which it's possible to enjoy breathtaking views of the valley below. Among the highest points is San Giuseppe, which offers a spectacular panorama of the surrounding plain.

Discover Ferrere: the authentic village of Piedmont.


Ferrere's history is very ancient and dates back many centuries, as shown by the mention of the village of "Ferraria" in a document dating back to 1034. Over the centuries, Ferrere has been influenced by different noble families, such as the Garretti, who erected a castle that is now semi-destroyed. In 1630, the village suffered a terrible flood and a plague epidemic that caused the death of many people. Despite these adversities, the village recovered, thanks to its strong resilience and desire to rebuild. Today, Ferrere is a lively village that still carries traces of its millenary history.

Monuments and places of interest

Ferrere's historic center is not very large but well maintained and offers many surprises to visitors. A must-see is Castelrosso, a large castle-shaped building that was built between 1780 and 1785 by the Garretti family. Today, Castelrosso has been renovated and houses the nursing home for the elderly of the village. Another interesting place is the ancient village, which is part of the "Castelli Aperti" system of Lower Piedmont. Here, there are churches and squares that tell the history and everyday life of Ferrere. The elementary and nursery schools are also hosted in an ancient castle, which still enchants visitors with its frescoes and antique architecture.


From a demographic point of view, Ferrere is not a village that grows much but maintains a stable small community of inhabitants. However, the village attracts tourists and visitors every year, thanks to its traditions and its natural and architectural beauties.

Traditions and folklore

Ferrere is a village that is very attached to its traditions and religious rituals. Every Christmas, in every church on every hill, a Nativity scene is built that attracts visitors from all over the region. But the most important festival in Ferrere is undoubtedly the "Honey Fair," established in 2014 and that has already garnered great success among visitors. During the fair, the "Ferrere Miele" competition is held, which awards the best honeys in Piedmont and enhances local production. During the year, other festivals are also held, such as that of the Madonna del Rosario and that of Sant'Antonio, which bring a bit of joy and entertainment to the village's life.

In the past, Ferrere was also the site of the national Citroën 2CV rally, organized by the "Zoccoli Duri," which was attended by crews from all over Italy. This event helped to make the beauty of the village known even outside the regional territory.

In conclusion, Ferrere is a small jewel in the heart of Piedmont that deserves to be discovered. Its past, its hills, its festivals, and its traditions make it a special place where peace, tranquility, and authenticity are breathed.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Tuesday, Dec 27, 2022