
The Ferrandina-Matera Railway: History and Current Context

The Ferrandina-Matera railway is a railway line which was meant to connect Matera to the Italian rail network at the Ferrandina Scalo Matera station. The history of the railway dates back to the early 20th century, when the Bari-Matera-Montalbano Jonico railway was built, with narrow gauge tracks, which connected Matera to Ferrandina and Pisticci. However, this railway line was not structurally upgraded and was closed in 1974 due to the deterioration of its facilities and rolling stock.

Only in the following years was a partial reconstruction project of the Matera-Ferrandina section developed, with standard gauge tracks, connecting it to the national rail network. The works began in 1986 but were never completed fully. Currently, the city of Matera can only be reached by the narrow gauge railway line of the Ferrovie Appulo Lucane.

In 2016, the Budget Committee of the Chamber of Deputies approved the allocation of 210 million euros for the completion of the railway line. On July 11th, 2017, together with a conference held in Matera, the completion works on the Ferrandina-Matera railway were declared as started.

Characteristics of the Ferrandina-Matera Railway

The Ferrandina-Matera railway involves the construction of several stations and stops along the route. Currently, the railway includes a direct connection to the Metaponto-Battipaglia line towards Potenza (without stopping at the Ferrandina station), as well as the existing connection to the Battipaglia-Potenza-Metaponto railway line towards Metaponto. The works for the completion of the railway should start in 2024 and end by 2026.

The Ferrandina-Matera railway: History and prospects for completion.


The Ferrandina-Matera railway represents an important project for the city of Matera and its connection to the Italian railway network. Despite the delays and difficulties encountered over the years, the works for the completion of the railway finally seem to have started. It is hoped that the railway will represent an opportunity for development and connection for Matera and the Basilicata region.

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Wednesday, Jul 13, 2022