
Zermen: a hamlet of Feltre

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a hamlet in the Municipality of Feltre, in the province of Belluno: Zermen.

Physical geography

Zermen is located about 5 km east of the municipal capital, in a sparsely urbanized and partly wooded area. To the south, a chain of modest hills separates the village from the plain where Anzù, Villapaiera and Celarda are located.

Zermen: history and beauties of a fraction of Feltre.


From April 4, 1816 to August 22, 1857, during the Lombardo-Veneto Kingdom, Zermen was an autonomous municipality with some neighboring hamlets.

Monuments and places of interest

But let's get to the most interesting point: the monuments and places of interest of Zermen!

Parish Church of San Dionisio

Among the most important monuments in Zermen is certainly the parish church of San Dionisio, one of the oldest in the Diocese of Belluno-Feltre. It was solemnly consecrated on June 19, 1367 under the episcopacy of Giacomo da Brno, a trusted man of Emperor Charles IV of Bohemia.

Inside the church, you can admire precious 16th-century frescoes with figures of saints attributed to Giovanni da Mel. Unfortunately, some of these frescoes were lost during the expansions of the building in the nineteenth century, but those of the presbytery depicting the "Twelve Apostles" are still visible today.

The church also housed the "Madonna and Child Enthroned between St. Dionisio and St. Eleuterio", a wooden altarpiece by Cima da Conegliano from around 1510. This work of art is now on display at the Civic Museum of Feltre.

But it doesn't end here! Outside the village, going up towards Mount Telva, there is the Oratory of the Annunciation, another small church that is worth a visit.


Here is a brief overview of the beauties of Zermen. If you are in the area, do not miss the opportunity to visit this hamlet of great historical and artistic value. Thank you for reading my article and see you soon!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Wednesday, Aug 10, 2022