
Hello friends! Today we will talk about different things that have one name in common: Tomo. Yes, you read it right, Tomo can refer to many different things, not only a volume or a manga character!

Tomo, the volume

Let's start with the most famous meaning, that of tomo as each of the parts into which a work is divided. In practice, a tomo is a volume or a book that contains a part, or more parts, of a work. For example, an encyclopedia could have several tomos, each containing a part of different information.

Tomo, the Venetian fraction

But Tomo is not just a synonym for book! In fact, there is also a fraction of the Italian municipality of Feltre, in Veneto, called Tomo. It is located at an altitude of about 750 meters above sea level and is a popular destination for hikers and nature lovers.

Tomo: one name, multiple meanings.

Tomo, the South American river

But let's now come to another thing that bears the name Tomo: the South American river. This river, which is a tributary of the Orinoco, crosses Venezuela and Colombia. It is about 320 kilometers long and is famous for its crystal clear waters and biodiversity.

Tomo, the character from the manga Fushigi yûgi

Now let's move on to pop culture: Tomo is also the name of a character in the manga Fushigi yûgi. She is a girl who is part of the Emperor of Konan's harem and is very jealous of the protagonist, Miaka. She is a very ambitious person, willing to do anything to get what she wants.

Tomo, the character from Azumanga daiō

But that's not all: Tomo is also the name of a character in the manga and anime Azumanga daiō. In this case, Tomo is a high school student and is in the same class as the other main characters. She has a very lively and hyperactive personality, and is often the cause of funny situations.


In short, as you have seen, the name Tomo can refer to many different things! From literature to geography, from pop culture to nature, every time you hear this name you can wonder which of the many things it can refer to. And you, did you know about all these different nuances of the name Tomo?

Alessandro Romano
Updated Wednesday, Aug 10, 2022