
Welcome to Felitto: let's discover together this small town in Cilento

Hello friends, today I will take you on a journey to discover a small town located in the heart of Cilento, Felitto. With its 1,147 inhabitants, Felitto is a town in the province of Salerno in Campania, known for several characteristics, from the Calore Gorge to the production of a special pasta.

Physical Geography

Felitto is located in the central Cilento hinterland, along the Lucanian River Calore valley and on the Strada statale 488 di Roccadaspide. The town is surrounded by mountains, including Mount Chianiello, which reaches an altitude of 1,314m above sea level. Felitto's seismic classification is zone 2, which provides for medium seismicity.

Felitto: Discover the Medieval village nestled among gorges and pasta.


Felitto is a medieval village that still preserves numerous watchtowers and walls, typical of the year 1000. The origin of Felitto dates back to a few centuries before 1000 AD and was an excellent strategically place, ideal for a stable and safe settlement. The town was equipped with a remarkable fortified wall complex, consisting of 13 towers, three of which were square in shape. In the historic center, an ancient castle is still preserved today, while the walls are only partially intact, as some parts were demolished. From 1811 to 1860, it was part of the Administrative Subdivision of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies## Circondari di Roccadaspide, belonging to the Campagna District of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. After the unification of Italy, from 1860 to 1927, the municipality of Felitto was part of the mandamento (right) of Roccadaspide, belonging to the Campagna District.

Felitto Pasta

Felitto is also known for producing "fusillo di Felitto," a pasta filled with a unique size that is recognized with the Protected Geographical Indication of the European Union. This pasta is made using durum wheat semolina, water, salt, and is filled with ricotta, pepper, nutmeg, and local cheese. Its format involves a spiral cylindrical shape, which rolls onto itself. Felitto's pasta can be enjoyed simply cooked in water or accompanied by delicate sauces typical of the Cilento tradition.

Calore Gorge

Near Felitto, precisely in the Remolino locality, there are the spectacular Calore Gorge. It is a cave crossed by the Calore River, which winds among high rock landscapes. The cave's interior is dotted with stalactites and stalagmites and the water temperature, constantly below 10 degrees, allows for a fascinating underwater journey. Along the banks of the Calore River, you can practice canoeing and kayaking in a breathtaking environment.


In the 1960s of the twentieth century, Felitto's population began to experience a significant demographic decline. Initially, people emigrated abroad, to countries such as Switzerland and Germany. Later, emigration directed towards northern Italy. This phenomenon has led to the loss of many inhabitants, but the beauty and authenticity of the village have nevertheless survived the impacts.

Felitto is a town that contains natural and historical beauty, such as the Calore Gorge and the medieval village. Thanks to the production of Felitto's pasta, the town has gained considerable fame worldwide. If you have the opportunity to visit Cilento, Felitto is certainly worth a visit!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Wednesday, Feb 23, 2022