
Welcome to the Farini mountains!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Farini, a small Italian town in the province of Piacenza, nestled in the beautiful Ligurian Apennine mountains. Farini has only 1047 inhabitants, but it is a true treasure trove of natural beauty, history, and local traditions.

Physical geography

Farini is mainly located in a mountainous area between the Nure Valley and the Perino Valley, two valleys that offer breathtaking landscapes and many trails for hiking enthusiasts. Most of the municipal territory is located in the Nure Valley, where the capital is located. Here you can admire the Osero, Rocchetta, Piatello, Albareto, and Aserei mountains, which with their green slopes are an ideal destination for summer holidays.

Instead, in the Perino Valley, there is the hamlet of Pradovera, a perfect place for those who want to immerse themselves in unspoiled nature and take long walks along the Perino stream. Here stand the Santa Franca, Menegosa and Morfassina mountains, which are located on the border with the municipality of Morfasso.

Farini: the enchanted mountain of the Ligurian Apennines!


The climate of Farini is temperate, with cool summers and cold winters, just like in mountainous areas. You can consult the table with the monthly maximum and minimum temperatures recorded at the Farini meteorological station if you want to organize your trip based on the weather conditions.


Farini has an ancient history that can be traced back to the Mesolithic period, as evidenced by the findings of objects made of jasper and flint in the watershed area between Trebbia and Nure. In the Middle Ages, the Farini area was dominated by the Nicelli family, who had control of the fortress of the eponymous village. Later, the area was contested between the San Savino monastery and the Bobbio cenobium.

With the creation of municipalities following Napoleon's presence, the Farini area was divided between the San Giovanni and San Bernardino municipalities, which were later merged to form the Bettola municipality. The hamlet of Pradovera, located in the Perino Valley, was instead assigned to the Coli municipality.

Local traditions

Farini is a municipality rich in local traditions that have been handed down for generations. Among the most important are the feast of San Giovanni and the feast of Acquasanta, held respectively on June 24th and August 15th. The first is a religious festival that commemorates St. John the Baptist, the patron saint of the village, with a solemn mass and a procession through the streets of the village. The second is a pagan festival related to the ancient Celtic tradition of Acquasanta, which celebrates the healing power of water and involves the pilgrimage of many people.

Furthermore, Farini is famous for its sheep's milk cheese production, a high-quality product that recalls the ancient flavors of the mountain. You can taste this cheese in the restaurants and bars of the village, but also in local farms that will show you the techniques of artisanal production.


In conclusion, Farini is a true paradise for mountain and nature lovers, but also for those who want to discover the history and local traditions of a unique territory. With its breathtaking views, hiking trails, and sheep's milk cheese, Farini is the ideal place for an unforgettable vacation. Come and visit us and discover a small gem of Emilia-Romagna!

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Monday, Jan 17, 2022