
Discovering the Municipality of Fardella

Hello friends, today I'm taking you on a journey to discover Fardella, a beautiful Italian Municipality located in the province of Potenza, in Basilicata. Fardella is a small town with only 573 inhabitants and is situated at an altitude of 745 meters above sea level, in the Sinni valley and within the territory of the Pollino National Park.

Physical Geography

Fardella is located in the southern part of the province of Potenza and is bordered by many neighboring municipalities such as Teana, Chiaromonte, Francavilla in Sinni, Episcopia, Carbone, Castronuovo di Sant'Andrea, San Severino Lucano, Latronico and Viggianello. The town has four exclaves and offers a beautiful mountain panorama.

Fardella: a mountain municipality in the province of Potenza.


Fardella has a very interesting history dating back to the years between 1690 and 1693. At that time, some citizens of Teana fled the tyranny of the Marquis of Missanello and sought the protection of Count Carlo Maria Sanseverino. The Count allowed these citizens to build a village near Chiaromonte, which was named Fardella. It is said that the name derived from the "fardelli" carried by the fugitives, but there are also other hypotheses, such as that Fardella was named after a Teanese woman named that or after the name of the wife of the feudal lord of the nearby town of Chiaromonte, Princess Fardella. In 1808, the Municipality of Fardella was established and was inhabited by 1004 people. In 1928, the town was merged with Teana to Chiaromonte, but regained its autonomy in 1947.


The Municipality of Fardella has several symbols such as the gonfalon, the coat of arms, and the seal. The coat of arms is divided into four parts and represents the past and present of the city.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Regarding monuments, in Fardella it is possible to admire the De Salvo Palace, an eighteenth-century building with the Assumption Chapel, the Mother Church, dedicated to St. Anthony of Padua and dating back to 1703, the Donato Palace which is the venue for film, cultural and religious meetings for young students in the area. There are also Caprarizzo, Costanza Palace, Villa Costanza, the Chapel of St. Onofrio, Serra Cerrosa, the Barbattavio-Guarino Park, the Pond, and the Acqua Fredda and Don Francesco Fountains.


If you love culture, Fardella is definitely the right place for you. In fact, the town is included in the "Cammino del mischiglio" route, an itinerary that crosses Calvera, Teana, Chiaromonte and Fardella, and takes its name from the mix of wheat, beans, and typical cereals of the Basilicata region. The "mischiglio" also indicates the interweaving of the different landscape elements that can be admired along the route and from the top of the last stage, Chiaromonte: rivers and streams such as Sinni and Serropotamo, mountains such as Monte Raparo and Monte Pollino, and lakes such as the Monte Cotugno Dam.


Demographic Evolution

Fardella is a small Municipality that experienced significant emigration at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. However, the town is trying to develop economically and attract new inhabitants.


The administration of Fardella is very active in promoting the territory. The local authority organizes cultural, social and sporting events for the entire community.


Despite its small size, the Municipality can boast a 5-a-side football team in the Lucanian Serie D, Fardella Calcio a 5.


If you are interested in learning more about the town, you can consult the Wikipedia page dedicated to the Municipality of Fardella.

Related articles

The Municipality of Fardella is part of the Alto Sinni Mountain Community.

Other projects

For those who want to deepen their knowledge of the town, they can visit the Municipality of Fardella page on the internet.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Sunday, Nov 20, 2022