Fara Vicentino

Fara Vicentino: a hilly town in Veneto

Hello! Today I will tell you about Fara Vicentino, a town located in the province of Vicenza, in the heart of Veneto. With its 3638 inhabitants, Fara is a small town characterized by its hilly morphology, which overlooks the Vicenza plain and is sheltered by the Sette Comuni plateau.

Physical geography

Fara is part of a territory also composed of the municipalities of Salcedo Lugo and Breganze, which share a volcanic geological structure. There are five streams in the area, the largest of which is the Astico, which marks the natural border with the municipalities of Zugliano and Sarcedo to the west. Instead, the Laverda delimits the eastern border and the Reale crosses the plain on the left bank of the Astico.

There are three hilly ridges on which the largest inhabited centers are located and the three main roads of the municipality run, connected to each other by minor arteries. Fara is famous for the cultivation of grapes, which is the dominant crop in the area, but there are also chestnuts distributed both in isolated areas and small woods. Instead, the black hornbeam, the robinia and the oak occupy larger but less extensive areas than in the past, while the alder is present along the course of the Chiavone.

Fara Vicentino: a hilly municipality in Veneto.



The municipality of Fara is made up of two inhabited centers: Fara and San Giorgio di Perlena, both of Lombard origin. The appellation "Vicentino" is used to distinguish this location from several other locations with the same name located along the Lombard route in Northern Italy.

The toponym Fara first appears in a bishop's document from July 1148 and subsequently it was spelled Farra until 1800.

Middle Ages

It is known that the Lombards had established an important military settlement here with fortifications. Fara, together with the surrounding territory, was donated by Berengario del Friuli to Bishop Sibicone of Padua between 917 and 921 with the aim of building castles and defense works against the raids of the Hungarians.


Fara Vicentino is a charming location, characterized by hills and the presence of streams. The history of Fara has been heavily influenced by the Lombard settlement and the donation of Berengario del Friuli. Today, the municipality is known for grape cultivation and for the excellent wine produced in the area. If you are looking for a quiet place away from the city, Fara Vicentino is the right place for you.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Friday, Jul 29, 2022