
Welcome to Falerone!

Hello everyone! Today we're talking about Falerone, a beautiful town located in the province of Fermo, Marche, Italy. With a population of about 3,217 inhabitants, Falerone is a place rich in history, culture, and tradition. In this summary, we will take you back in time, discovering its magnificent history.


Falerone: History, Art and Marche Gastronomy

The emblem

Its emblem, depicting a medieval armor, recalls the period when the country was under the lordship of feudatory of Frankish origin. These were the heirs of a people traditionally warlike and devoted to war, who created their own state dominating 30 castles of the middle-high Val di Tenna, making Falerone their capital. In the emblem, as well as the helmet with a crest and side protections, there is a Sannitic shield. Inside it, there is a red band on a blue background with the writing S.P.Q.F, which recalls the greatness and splendor of "Falerio Picenus" that rose in this town in 29 BC no less important than the nearby city of Fermo.

Roman, early medieval, and medieval Falerone

In 90 BC at the foot of the Mons Falarinus, now known as medieval Falerone, we remember the defeat of Rome led by Pompey the Great's forces by the "socii" Piceni, commanded by Gaius Vidacilius, Publius Ventidius, and Titus Lafrenius, on the route of the Roman legions towards Fermo. In 29 BC, in the Augustan centuriazione of the Tenna river valley, "Falerio Picenus" was built, a junction point between "Firmum", "Urbs Salvia" and "Asculum". The graphic representation of "Falerio Picenus" in the Acernario code of the sixth century, with the two gates, to the north towards "Urbs Salvia" and to the south towards "Novana" and "Ausculum", confirms the importance of the castrum.

In the fourth and fifth century, the seat of the bishop of Falerio moved to Fermo, an evident sign of the Roman city's decline, already prey to barbarian hordes, and the consequent depopulation and loss of prestige of Roman centers in favor of larger cities. The parish church of Santo Stefano under the jurisdiction of Fermo remains in Falerone.

In 765, Falerone became the seat of a Lombard gastaldato dependent on the Duchy of Fermo established by King Desiderius of the Lombards in an anti-meridional function, against the two duchies of Spoleto and Benevento. In 977, with the emergence of a great feudal state in the high Fermana-Maceratese hills ruled by the Lordship of Brunforte and the descendants of Mainardo, Falerone became one of the major castles. Its lords, vicars of Farfa, fiery Ghibellines linked to the da Montefeltro and the Visconti, maintained predominance over the neighboring castles and Falerone until 1378, when it submitted to Fermo.

In 1274, in the division of goods between Pietro and Offreduccio, sons of Fallerone, the village and its inhabitants are subject to feudal rule by the lords of Belluco, Servigliano, a part of Loro Piceno, Cerreto (a hamlet of Montegiorgio), and many others. Therefore, no mention is made of the Municipality until 1378 when the lords of Falerone, in the persons of Stefano and Vanni (called Vagnozzo) sons of Pietro II, had to leave the Faleronese residence and reside in Fermo as a sentence inflicted on them by the Ferman Council for the killing of Berto, son of Filippo, Lord of Massa Fermana, carried out during a local brawl.

We were fascinated by the history of Falerone, but there is much more to discover, so keep reading!

Places of interest

The historic center

The historic center of Falerone is a real hidden treasure, made of stone alleys, charming squares, and important historical monuments. One of the most interesting places is the church of San Fortunato, dating back to the eleventh century. The church houses a valuable statue in gilded copper of San Fortunato, the town's protector. You can also visit the church of Santo Stefano, dating back to the thirteenth century, and the church of San Francesco, dating back to the seventeenth century.

The Roman theater

Falerone is also famous for its Roman theater, dating back to the first century BC, which could hold about 3,000 spectators. The theater was only discovered in 1930, but today it is possible to visit it and admire its beauty.

The Sanctuary of Madonna dell'Ambro

Near Falerone, there is the Sanctuary of Madonna dell'Ambro, dating back to the sixteenth century. The sanctuary is very suggestive and represents a place of worship for the faithful of the town.

The Civic Museum

The Civic Museum of Falerone is a must-visit for anyone who wants to discover the history and culture of the town. Inside, you can find very interesting archaeological finds together with various works of art.

There are no excuses not to visit Falerone and all its wonders!


Another great attraction of Falerone is its delicious gastronomy. Among the typical dishes, we recommend:

Don't forget to try the famous local wine, such as Rosso Piceno Superiore, a red wine with an intense and deep flavor.


Falerone is a corner of paradise in the heart of Marche, and we are sure that once visited, it will leave an indelible memory in your hearts. Its history, the beauty of its historic center, art, culture, gastronomy, and the warmth of the local people are just some of the reasons why it's worth a visit. Don't miss the opportunity to discover one of Italy's hidden gems!

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Wednesday, Sep 14, 2022