Fagnano Olona
Welcome to Fagnano Olona!
Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Fagnano Olona, a town in the province of Varese in Lombardy, Italy with a population of 12,301. Fagnano Olona is a small town that has a lot to offer.
Let's discover the physical geography
Fagnano Olona is located 5 km from Busto Arsizio, 6 km from Gallarate and 19 km from Varese. The town is located in the Olona Valley, which is crossed by the Olona River. Unfortunately, in recent years, the river has suffered significant heavy metal pollution due to industrialization in the valley. The inhabited center of Fagnano and the historic Bergoro fraction, formerly an independent municipality, are located to the west of the Olona River. To the east of the valley, there is the small inhabited nucleus of Cascine Balzarine. While at the western end of the Fagnano territory, there is the locality of Fornaci, bordered by the Tenore, a stream that marks the border with Cassano Magnago.
The Fagnano Olona Valley, the Cascine Balzarine area, and the area affected by the Tenore stream are part of the Middle Olona Park. It is an inter-municipal body based here and also includes part of the territories of Gorla Maggiore, Gorla Minore, Solbiate Olona, Olgiate Olona, and Marnate. If you are a nature lover, the Middle Olona Park is a must-see!

Let's discover the history of Fagnano Olona
Fagnano Olona has a long history. Its Roman origin is attested to by some artifacts found in the municipal area, as well as the toponym itself, an evolution of the Latin adjective "Fannianus," relating to the gentilic name "Fannius." The first document that mentions Fagnano Olona dates back to 1045, a parchment in which Emperor Henry III the Black confirms that the Monastery of San Dionigi in Milan owns land within the town.
During the medieval era, Fagnano was an important fortified place that was part of the Feud and the Pieve of Olgiate Olona. The castle of Fagnano was in a strategic position, in order to control the Olona River and the road that connected Castelseprio and Milan. During the struggles between the various families in the area, between the Della Torre and the Visconti, the castle was the subject of numerous disputes. In 1287, the territory of Seprio definitively passed into the hands of the Visconti, and Fagnano was divided into two parts. One was assigned to the branch of Giovanni Visconti, to which the castle belonged, and the other to the descendants of Azzo Visconti, whose progeny generated the Visconti of Jerago, who were assigned the Castellazzo, a fortress of more ancient origin.
In the mid-fifteenth century, the Visconti castle of Fagnano was transformed into a lordly residence. But in the sixteenth century, the aggravating controversy between the Spanish and the French led to bringing the castle back to its military function. The chronicles of the time recall memories of attacks and sieges by the Spanish dukes who severely damaged part of the structure. The castle subsequently passed to the patrician families Tanzi and Ponti, and after further changes of ownership, it finally entered the heritage of the Municipality of Fagnano Olona, which established its municipal offices there.
After discovering some of the secrets of Fagnano Olona, we can say that this town has a lot to offer. Its geographical position makes it an ideal destination for those interested in nature, but also for those who love history and art. If you are in the area, do not miss the opportunity to visit this small Lombard pearl. I am sure that Fagnano Olona will leave an indelible memory with you!