Fagnano Alto

Hi friends, today I will talk to you about Fagnano Alto, an Italian municipality in the province of L'Aquila, located in Abruzzo. The municipality consists of nine main hamlets, located on a slope of the Aterno valley, which descends to the border of the Navelli plain in the Prata d'Ansidonia plateau.


Fagnano Alto is the northernmost municipality of the Subequana Valley and is located on the border of the Sirente-Velino Regional Natural Park. The territory is made up of small rural mountain villages, connected to each other by State Road 261. The town hall is in Vallecupa and is the center of the ring of hamlets.

Vallecupa is a hamlet that houses municipal and postal offices. Ripa is a hamlet to the north of the municipality and is one of the most populous. It is gathered around the square of the former Dragonetti Palace (now Casa Rosati) and has as its main church the one dedicated to Sant'Antonio Abate. In a cave outside the village, there is the hermitage of San Rocco and the church of San Vittorino. Termine is a hamlet to the south of Ripa and is the second most important after Vallecupa because it houses secondary municipal offices and the church of San Carlo Borromeo, patron saint of Fagnano.

Corbellino is the third largest hamlet in Fagnano and houses the municipal cemetery. The small gathered village is separated from the cemetery, which is preceded by an ancient convent, of which only the main church dedicated to San Sebastiano remains. Castello is one of the most suggestive hamlets and is the oldest. Here the elliptical medieval castle was built in the twelfth century, with walls and control towers. It also included a church, destroyed in 1423 by Braccio da Montone, and a new church dedicated to the Madonna and San Pietro is located exactly at the entrance of the castle, dating back to the thirteenth century, with a Romanesque façade.

Campana is the fourth main hamlet of Fagnano and is accessed thanks to a medieval stone bridge, with a central bastion that served as a control tower for toll payment. The main monument is the church of San Giovanni Evangelista. Pedicciano is a small hamlet located at the southernmost end, on the border with the municipality of Fontecchio, and its main monument is the church of Santa Lucia. Finally, Opi is the easternmost hamlet, on the road to Bominaco, and is a small gathered village from which a road leads to the church of San Massimo d'Aveia.

Discover Fagnano Alto: history, culture, and traditions in Abruzzo.


From origins to the 20th century

The first documentation of Italic settlements dates back to the 4th century BC, at the Ofanianum hill, where there was a fortress of the Vestini. In the eleventh century, the elliptical castle of the Castello district began to be built, able to dominate the Prata d'Ansidonia plateau and control the traffic of goods on the Valeria road.

From the 20th century to today

In 1998, the area where Fagnano Alto is located was declared a nature reserve. The territory is rich in hiking trails that cross the woods and mountains and allow you to enjoy spectacular views of the Aterno valley.

Fagnano Alto, along with other small municipalities in L'Aquila, was struck by the earthquake of 2009, a natural disaster that caused incalculable damage. Despite this, thanks to the perseverance of active people in the area, the town has gotten back on its feet and continues to live, promoting local, cultural, and tourist development initiatives.


The economy of the municipality is linked to agriculture and livestock. The agricultural area of Fagnano is known for the production of local fruits and vegetables, thanks to the particular fertility of the soil. Livestock farming, on the other hand, mainly deals with the production of milk and cheese.

Agritourism is one of the most promoted activities by the municipality, thanks to the beauty of the territory and the possibility of practicing outdoor activities and excursions. Furthermore, Fagnano Alto is part of a circuit of tourist itineraries that allow you to visit historical and artistic places in Abruzzo.

Culture and Traditions

The municipality of Fagnano Alto boasts a rich culinary tradition that reflects the culture of the territory. Among the typical products, there are sheep and goat cheeses, homemade mortadella, chickpeas, and beans, spelt soup, and seasonal fruit jam.

During the year, numerous popular festivals take place that tell the history of the place and local traditions. Among the most important are the Feast of San Giovanni (patron saint of Campana), the Feast of Sant'Antonio (in Ripa), the Feast of San Carlo (in Termine), and the Feast of the Madonna del Castello (in Castello).


In conclusion, Fagnano Alto is a charming municipality rich in history, located in a wonderful territory. It is an ideal place for those who love the mountains, nature, and traditions. If you decide to visit Fagnano Alto, you won't regret it!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Sunday, Apr 17, 2022