
Exploring Fagagna, Italy's Most Beautiful Village

Welcome to Fagagna, a charming Italian commune with a population of 6002, famous for its cheese and for being part of the Club of Italy's Most Beautiful Villages. In this article, we will explore the history, monuments, and places of interest of this beautiful city.

History of Fagagna

Fagagna has an ancient and fascinating history dating back to the 10th century, when Emperor Otto II granted the castle to the Patriarch of Aquileia Rodoaldo. Later, the castle was given in feud to a consortium of noble families. Around the castle, five small villages developed which, when united, gave rise to the Community of Fagagna towards the end of the 14th century, ruled by a Council of Twelve.

After a tumultuous period of wars, sieges, and betrayals, Fagagna surrendered to the forces of the Republic of Venice in 1420 and began to lose its strategic importance. The castle fell into ruin and the patriarchy palace was destroyed. However, the city continued to prosper thanks to agriculture and cheese production.

Fagagna is also famous for a significant historical event. On May 24, 1915, at Villa Volpe, the headquarters of the Italian Supreme Military Command, the declaration of war against Austria-Hungary was signed, marking Italy's entry into World War I.

Fagagna: the most beautiful village in Italy, among history, art and PDO cheese.

Symbols of Fagagna

The coat of arms of the Municipality of Fagagna, recognized by decree of the Prime Minister Secretary of State on February 5, 1937, consists of a quartered shield. The first and fourth quarters represent the Lion of St. Mark, symbol of the Serenissima Republic of Venice, and the second and third quarters represent a tree and a hand, symbols of agricultural tradition and justice.

Monuments and Places of Interest in Fagagna

Castello di Fagagna

The Castello di Fagagna dates back to the 10th century and is located on a hill dominating the town and the plain below. Originally consisting of a wall and a tower, the castle assumed its current form in the 12th and 14th centuries, when the noble houses were built under the summit of the hill, forming a village defended by a wall with three gates. Today, only the Synagogue Gate and the bell tower of the patriarchy palace remain. The castle represents a splendid example of medieval architecture and offers a panoramic view of the surrounding Friulian plain.

Chiesa di San Michele

The Chiesa di San Michele, located near the Castello di Fagagna, was built in the 12th century and reflects the medieval history of the town. The church, in Lombard Romanesque style, is one of the few medieval structures still standing in Fagagna. The exterior walls display the particular decorative motif of the hanging arches and lion-headed corbels.

Historic Center of Fagagna

The historic center retraces its medieval origins, preserving the original layout of the city. The main street, Via Roma, retains its stone pavement and three arcades, where you can admire shops selling local products and handicrafts. The historic center is characterized by different architectures, including the castle, the former monastery of the Clarisse, and the church of San Giovanni Battista.

Cheese of Fagagna

Fagagna is also famous for the production of Fagagna cheese, a hard, ripened cheese made with raw cow's milk from Friulian breed cows. This cheese has also received the DOP recognition, which guarantees the quality and authenticity of the product.


Fagagna is a charming commune that exemplifies the history and traditions of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region. The Castello, the Chiesa di San Michele, the historic center, and Fagagna cheese are just some of the treasures that this city has to offer. Thanks to its ancient charm and unique beauty, Fagagna is definitely a place worth visiting.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022