Santa Lucia

Discovering the World: Santa Lucia Around the World

Hello friends! Today we'll be talking about Santa Lucia, but not the one we all know as a Christmas holiday, rather the places around the world that bear this name. Are you ready for a journey of discovery of these places? Let's get started!


Let's begin with the seventh art, which had to have a mention in this article dedicated to Santa Lucia. "Santa Lucia" is an Italian film from 2021 directed by Marco Chiappetta. I won't reveal anything about the plot, but I recommend watching it if you have the chance.

Santa Lucia in the world: a journey discovering the places with this name.


The name Santa Lucia not only refers to the Patron Saint of Syracuse or the one in Sweden, but also to a Caribbean country: Saint Lucia. This small country is located in the Grenadines archipelago, between Martinique and Saint Vincent. Its capital is Castries and it is famous for its beaches, lush nature and the hospitality of its inhabitants.

South America

Santa Lucia is also the name of several cities in South America, specifically in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico and Nicaragua. Each of these places has its own history, culture and traditions that characterize and make them unique.

In Argentina, we find Santa Lucía, a rural center in the Entre Rios province, and Santa Lucía, a city in the Corrientes province. In Brazil, there are Santa Lúcia in Paraná and in São Paulo. In Colombia, Santa Lucía is a municipality in the department of Atlántico, while in Costa Rica it is a district of the Barva canton.

In Honduras, we have Santa Lucía, a municipality in the departments of Francisco Morazán and Intibucá. In Mexico, there is Santa Lucía, a city in Zumpango, while in Nicaragua we have a municipality in the Boaco Department with the same name.


Even in Europe, the name Santa Lucia is very common. In Italy, for example, there are numerous villages and neighborhoods that bear this name, such as Santa Lucia del Mela in the province of Messina, Santa Lucia (Affile) in the metropolitan city of Rome Capital, Santa Lucia (Budoia) in the province of Pordenone and many others.

In France, there are two municipalities called Santa Lucia - one in the northern Corsica and one in the same region. In Slovenia, we find Lucia, a locality in the municipality of Piran and Santa Lucia, a settlement in the municipality of Tolmin.

Other Places

Finally, Santa Lucia is also present in South Africa, where we find St. Lucia, a small village located in KwaZulu-Natal, on the eastern coast of South Africa. The place is famous for the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Here is a brief overview of the places in the world that bear the name Santa Lucia. I hope you enjoyed this virtual journey of discovery of these places. Each place has its own history and traditions, but all of them are united by a name that represents light and hope. Until the next adventure!

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Thursday, Feb 2, 2023