
Granarolo Faentino: the history of the largest fraction of Faenza

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Granarolo, a small but fascinating fraction of the municipality of Faenza, where you can discover the history of these places through its monuments.

Oldest testimonies

Granarolo is a place inhabited at least since the Roman era, but there is no evidence of a real urban center. Archaeological excavations indicate that the area was mainly dedicated to the cultivation of wheat, and the name of the place itself comes from "Granariolus fundus".

The first historical memory of Granarolo dates back to 1038, when the Emperor Conrad the Salic donated the "Granariolum fundus" to the monastery of the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe. In 1138, on the other hand, the Archbishop of Ravenna donated the Zagonara Castle and the "selve di Granarolo" to the Camaldolese of Faenza.

Discover the history of Granarolo Faentino: between ancient walls and a thousand-year-old church.

The ''castrum Granaroli''

The strategic position of Granarolo made it the subject of great disputes over the centuries. In 1217, the people of Faenza built the first fortifications to contain the pressures of the counts of Cunio. In 1241, Raniero di Conti di Cunio became the new owner of the place, but in 1248 Ottaviano Ubaldini returned it to the people of Faenza.

In 1317, Francesco Manfredi, lord of Faenza, had the "castrum Granaroli" built as an outpost to defend his city and dominate the main communication route towards the valley. The castle was built on land ceded to Manfredi by the Counts of Cunio, in an area east of an existing small rural settlement. The walls, measuring 170x120 meters in a rectangular plan, were equipped with four circular towers at the corners with a height of about 7 meters, and two other towers on the long sides. The original wooden palisade was replaced with a stone wall, while a 1.25-meter-wide strip ran along the top of the walls. The first private houses were soon built in the castle, and by 1371 there were 64 "focularia", meaning family units capable of paying the "fumantaria" tax. The construction of a new church was also an opportunity to replace the old matrix church that remained outside the walls.

The history of Granarolo

Over the years, the Manfredi family further fortified the castle by building an imposing fortress inside, which was then demolished at the beginning of the 18th century. In 1376, the mercenary Giovanni Acuto conquered Granarolo on behalf of the Holy See, but it was reconquered by the people of Faenza shortly thereafter.

Granarolo is a place rich in history and cultural heritage, where you can admire ancient monuments and buildings that bear witness to life of the past. Among these stands out the Church of San Giovanni Battista, which dates back to the 13th century. The church is dedicated to the patron saint of Granarolo and houses numerous works of art, including a valuable 16th-century terracotta statue depicting St. John the Baptist.

The historic center of Granarolo also has its own soul, with its shops, squares, and alleys. The tourist who visits it can breathe the charm of the past in every corner, walking through the cobbled streets and enjoying the peaceful atmosphere of a village that retains its ancient charm.


In conclusion, Granarolo Faentino is a magical place that encapsulates the history of these places. Among the streets of the historic center and the walls of the "castrum Granaroli", the visitor will have the opportunity to discover the beauty of life in the past and appreciate the skill of the artisans of Romagna, with their ability to create remarkable works of art. What are you waiting for? Come and discover Granarolo and its history, we are waiting for you!

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Thursday, Feb 2, 2023