
Welcome to Fabro

Fabro is a beautiful city in western Umbria, situated on a hill 364 meters above sea level overlooking the Val di Chiana, one of the most famous valleys in central Italy. With a population of 2623 inhabitants, this municipality is located on the borders of Tuscany and Lazio, and is surrounded by the provinces of Terni, Perugia, Siena, and Viterbo. In this article, we will explore the physical geography, history, and attractions that make this city such a special place.

Discover Fabro: nature, history and tourist attractions.

Physical geography


The territory of Fabro is characterized by a large accumulation of plio-pleistocene sand and clay of marine origin. The surrounding area offers a breathtaking view of the Roman Val di Chiana. Fabro belongs to the Monte Peglia and Selva di Meana mountain community, and also has an exclave: Poggiovalle.


Fabro's climate belongs to zone D, with an average temperature of 20-27°C. Summers are hot and dry, with temperatures reaching 30°C, while winters are cold and humid.

Geological origin of the territory

The territory of Fabro constituted the bottom of the ancient Tyrrhenian Sea from the Italian Pliocene to the first part of the Lower Pleistocene. The presence of numerous fossils that can be found while walking among the crests testify to the presence of the sea.

The Calanchi of Fabro

The southeastern area of Fabro is characterized by a remarkable geomorphological phenomenon: the Calanchi. These are wide cracks in the ground interspersed with thin ridges and flat areas. The landscape of the Calanchi is never the same, but is dotted with small meadows, shrubs, and groves where a rich fauna lives. The erosion makes these clayey valleys poor in vegetation, but this does not prevent the growth of small groves and the presence of seasonal water sources.

The natural environment

The natural environment of Fabro is characteristic of clay soils. The presence of grasses, shrubs, and small woods makes the area unique. Among the present plants, we can find aromatic broom, bloodtwig dogwood, Juniperus, wild rose, and honeysuckle. The clay nature of the soil allows the formation of small water pools or seasonal ponds, where the environment becomes marshy. In the spring season, numerous herbs bloom, making the environment unique and suggestive.

Among the mammals, we can find the wild boar, deer, fox, hedgehog, and badger. In addition, various birds inhabit the area, including the owl, the little owl, the blackbird, and the robin.

The history of Fabro

Fabro has a long and interesting history dating back to the Etruscan era. In the Middle Ages, the village became an important trading center thanks to its strategic position on the Via Francigena. During the Renaissance, it became famous for its academies and craft shops. Today, Fabro is a modern city that carries these historical memories with it.

Tourist attractions

The Castle of Fabro

The Castle of Fabro is located on the top of the hill and is the symbol of the city. Built in the 1200s, this castle has undergone numerous renovations over the centuries, but has maintained its original architecture. Today, the castle hosts art and cultural exhibitions and is open to the public.

The Sanctuary of Madonna della Creta

The Sanctuary of Madonna della Creta is located in the area of the Calanchi. This church dates back to the 17th century and was built on a hill that offers a panoramic view of the Val di Chiana. The Sanctuary is a place of pilgrimage for many faithful and hosts numerous events throughout the year.

The Monte Peglia and Selva di Meana Nature Reserve

The Monte Peglia and Selva di Meana Nature Reserve is located near Fabro. This nature reserve offers a unique experience for nature lovers, with hiking trails, picnic areas, and observation points for wildlife.


Fabro is a fantastic city that offers a unique experience to its visitors. With its history, tourist attractions, and natural environment, Fabro is a special place that must be visited. Thank you for reading this article and we hope to see you soon in Fabro!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Monday, Nov 28, 2022