Fabrica di Roma

Fabrica di Roma: Discovering this Enchanting Italian Municipality!


Fabrica di Roma is a municipality located in the province of Viterbo, in the Lazio region of Italy. With its 8189 inhabitants, this town is a true gem that encompasses a long history, traditions, and many natural beauties.

Fabrica di Roma: discover the town of medieval and culinary treasures!

Physical Geography


Fabrica di Roma is a municipality immersed in nature, located south of the Cimini Mountains. The area is predominantly characterized by volcanic rocks and few alluvial plains and valleys. The beautiful Lake Vico, located not far from the town center, can be admired.


The climate of Fabrica di Roma is continental, but influenced by the presence of dense vegetation. The average annual temperature is about 15 degrees, while the rain, coming from the Tyrrhenian Sea, falls on average between 800 and 1000 millimeters per year. Among the winds, prevail the Tramontana, Scirocco, Levante, and Ponente. The flora and fauna of the area are typical of low mountain.


Faliscan Period

The history of Fabrica di Roma is closely linked to the Faliscan population, from whose culture and traditions it is most influenced. The first archaeological remains date back to the Faliscan dwellings dating back to the 4th-5th centuries BC found east of Fabrica, in the locality "Le Molelle". Other important finds are represented by the gallery of "Ponte Sodo", the caves of "Materano", and the numerous tombs scattered throughout the territory.

Medieval and Modern Period

The medieval period begins in 1093 when the Fundus Fabricae was granted to the Abbey of Farfa by Ildebrando. Later, Fabrica was mentioned in 1177 in the Papal Bull of Pope Alexander III, among the properties of the abbey of Sant'Elia sub Pentoma. In 1217, however, the municipality was donated to the Hospital of S. Tommaso in Formis. In the thirteenth century, the urban community passed to the Orsini family and then to the Hospital of S. Spirito in Saxia. Fabrica di Roma experienced moments of rebellion against the Church and papal power, until it became an autonomous municipality.

Traditions and Cultural Events

Fabrica di Roma offers numerous cultural events and events that take place throughout the year. Among the most important are the Fair of Saint Valentine, which celebrates the ancient crafts of the territory, the Carnival, and the historical reenactment of the "Fair of Saint Mark", which is held in April.

Tourist Attractions

Fabrica di Roma is rich in wonderful places to visit. Among these, the following are noteworthy:

Typical Cuisine

The typical cuisine of Fabrica di Roma and the neighboring villages offers numerous unique specialties and delicious dishes. Among these, pasta alla norcina, fettuccine all'amatriciana, Roman-style tripe, and seafood risotto are prepared. In addition, the municipality is famous for the production of high-quality oil and wine.


Fabrica di Roma is a municipality to discover, where history, traditions, and nature blend perfectly. Its geographical position, its thousand-year history, and its cultural heritage make this town a unique and suggestive place to visit at least once in a lifetime. Among the beauties of the area, there are no shortage of culinary specialties that satisfy the most demanding palates. Coming to discover Fabrica di Roma is an experience that never disappoints.

Andrea Fontana
Updated Thursday, Jun 9, 2022