
Welcome to Marischio, the ancient roots village

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Marischio, the largest village in the municipality of Fabriano, located in the province of Ancona. This medieval village, also known for the presence of Roman era remains, is believed to have its name from the Celtic root of Marena "mar" (swamp) and "Ischio" derived from iscletum-forest. But Marischio is not only history and tradition, it's also famous for its places of worship, annual festivals and events that take place throughout the year.

Places of Worship: between frescoes and ancient bells

If you're a fan of sacred art, don't miss the Parish of Marischio dedicated to Saint Sebastian. Inside the church, you can admire a fresco of the Crucified Christ, probably dating back to the 15th century and of Fabrianese school: a real beauty that will leave you amazed. Not far from the Parish, you will find the rural Church of Torre Cecchina, a small gem that houses a rare bell dating back to the year 1412: a true piece of history to discover.

Marischio: history, sacred art and festivities all year round.

Annual Appointments: festivals and fairs all year round

Marischio is famous for its numerous annual festivals that take place in every season of the year. The first Sunday of September is celebrated the Festival of the Brothers, while in spring there is the Festival of the Cross. During the Carnival Marischiano, the streets are filled with colors and masks. If you're a fan of good food, don't miss the Spuntature Festival, a festival entirely dedicated to pork cuts. Finally, the Sgarufo Festival, created by the young people of Marischio in 2006, is an unmissable opportunity to party and have fun together.

Events: when Pope John Paul II visited Marischio

But there are also events that mark the history of Marischio. On March 19, 1991, during his pastoral visit, Pope John Paul II reached the village by helicopter to then continue to the Fabriano cathedral. An unforgettable moment for the community of Marischio who remembers with pride the visit of the Holy Father.

Notes: a train station around the corner

Finally, for those who want to reach Marischio by train, the Melano Marischio station is just around the corner. In any case, the village is easily reachable by car or bus.

There you have it, everything you need to know about Marischio: a village that combines history, sacred art, festivals and events in a unique blend capable of charming anyone who visits it. If you're looking for a place to spend a weekend in peace and fun, Marischio will definitely be your ideal destination.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Thursday, Jun 16, 2022