
Collamato: a Fraction of Fabriano

Hello everyone! Today, I will talk to you about Collamato, one of the factions of the Municipality of Fabriano, located in the province of Ancona, Italy. With an altitude of 502 meters above sea level and a population of 405 inhabitants, this small village offers many interesting places to visit.


The history of Collamato dates back to the period between the 11th and 14th centuries, as shown by the Fabrianese Diplomatic Papers of Zonghi, which mention Coldamati, Coldematum, Col di Amati, indicating the origin of the name derived from the genitive of a personal name: Amato. According to popular tradition, the founder and lord of the castle was a man named Amato, noble and wealthy. The village was born after the destruction of the center of Attidium (today a fraction of Attiggio), and the castle was owned by Fabriano in 1035.

In 1624, the statutes were approved, and the village was governed by a castellan assisted by the mayor and four councillors. In the 18th century, it became an appodiato municipality, with municipal offices housed in the "house of the community." In 1861, with the annexation to the Kingdom of Italy, Collamato became a fraction of Fabriano, electing a municipal councillor.

Discover the charm of Collamato, a hamlet of Fabriano.

Places of Interest

The castle of Collamato houses the plebanian church of San Paterniano, dedicated to the patron saint of the fraction, bishop of the Diocese of Fano.

The church of San Giustino, located just outside the walls, is the oldest place of worship in the village. Over the centuries, it was first used as a hospital and subsequently as a cemetery chapel until 1887. In the center of the village stands the chapel, dedicated to the Madonna della Fraternità. The inhabitants affectionately call it "La Madonnetta," and it dates back to the 16th century.

About two kilometers from the village, near the word Casarrini, is the rural church of Sant'Anna, where a Fabrianese school fresco dating back to 1481 AD and depicting "Sant'Anna, the Virgin Child and the little Jesus between San Rocco and San Sebastiano" is still preserved.

At the foot of the castle walls stands the monument to the fallen of the First and Second World Wars, which testifies to the commitment of the Collamato community in those tragic events.

Iconographic curiosity: the medieval wooden door that serves as the entrance to the ancient castle has a rare inlay that appears to be of Templar origin. It is a circle that serves as the letter "O" with a capital letter "M" inside and surmounted by the templar paten cross (Ordo Militiae Templi).


If you decide to visit the beautiful region of Fabriano, you cannot miss a trip to Collamato. Not only does the village offer a breathtaking panorama, but it also has a curious historical past that makes it even more interesting. From the commemorative monuments on the outskirts of the village to the castle and medieval walls, it is a place worth visiting. Come and discover this beautiful village where history blends with nature to create a unique and unforgettable experience.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Thursday, Jun 16, 2022