
Fabriano paper: an eight centuries long history


Hello friends, today I will talk about the city of Fabriano, famous worldwide as "the city of paper". In fact, it is here that high-quality paper has been manufactured for almost eight centuries. The origins of paper production in Fabriano date back to the 13th century, when the cartai fabrianesi introduced important technical innovations that transformed Arabic paper into Western paper.

The Fabriano paper: Eight centuries of papermaking history.

Paper: from Chinese invention to the West

The history of paper begins in China, where it is believed to have been invented in 105 AD. However, after centuries of secrecy, the invention of paper was revealed to the Arabs, who perfected the processing techniques learned from the Chinese. Paper then spread throughout the world, replacing expensive Egyptian papyrus and providing a valid alternative to parchment.

Fabriano: one of the oldest production centers in Italy

Fabriano is one of the oldest paper production centers in Italy. It is known that between the end of the 9th and the beginning of the 10th century, Arabic paper was used in all regions of the Mediterranean, replacing parchment and expensive Egyptian papyrus.

It is not known exactly how knowledge of the paper-making art reached Fabriano, but there are many theories. Some historians believe that the cartai fabrianesi learned the techniques of paper production from Muslim colonies in Spain.

Fabriano: the cradle of paper in Europe

In the 14th century, Fabriano became the cradle of paper in Europe, thanks to the technical innovations introduced by the cartai fabrianesi. Their manufacturing techniques allowed for the production of much stronger and more durable paper than Arabic paper.

In a short time, paper production in Fabriano became extremely profitable, so much so that Fabriano paper mills began exporting their paper throughout Europe.

Fabriano: high-quality paper

Today, Fabriano paper is famous worldwide for its high quality. The city of Fabriano still houses many paper mills, which use traditional and modern production techniques to produce high-quality paper.

Fabriano paper is appreciated for its high resistance and durability, making it ideal for creating works of art, important documents, and antique books.


In conclusion, Fabriano paper represents one of Italy's excellences in the field of paper production. The millennial history of paper reminds us of how important it is to preserve artisanal traditions and ensure the quality of the products we produce.

We just have to visit the paper mills in Fabriano to discover more about the history and production of high-quality paper.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Thursday, Jun 16, 2022