
Escalaplano: a municipality in Sardinia

Hello everyone! Today I'll talk to you about Escalaplano, a municipality in Sardinia located in the province of South Sardinia, 338 meters above sea level. This town has about 2,104 inhabitants and over the years it has undergone several historical and geographical changes.

History of Escalaplano

The territory of Escalaplano has been inhabited since prehistoric times. There are some domus de janas, Nuraghe, and remains from the Roman era. In the Middle Ages, Escalaplano was part of the Judicate of Cagliari and the curatorship of Siurgus. After the fall of the Judicate, the municipality came under Pisan and later Aragonese rule.

In 1363, King Peter IV of Aragon incorporated Escalaplano into the county of Quirra. Both in 1604 and in 1617, the fiefdom passed under the control of some noble families, including the Ladron and the Zuñiga. In 1839, the feudal system was abolished.

Escalaplano: history and society of a Sardinian municipality.

Symbols of Escalaplano

The coat of arms and the flag of Escalaplano were granted by the decree of the President of the Republic on June 24, 2003. The municipal flag consists of a yellow cloth with a blue border.

Society and Demography

In recent years, the population of Escalaplano has remained stable around 2,100 inhabitants. The municipality suffered a strong depopulation in the 17th century due to a plague epidemic.

Notes and external links

If you are interested in discovering more about Escalaplano, I recommend visiting the municipality's website or taking a walk through the historic center. Also, I invite you to visit the Wikipedia page of the municipality.

Thanks for reading my summary of Escalaplano! If you have any other news or curiosities about Sardinia's municipality, share them in the comments!

Sara Esposito
Wrote by Sara Esposito
Updated Tuesday, Oct 4, 2022