
Discovering the province of Macerata

If you love the Marche region and are planning a trip to this part of Italy, don't miss the chance to visit the province of Macerata. With its over 300,000 inhabitants, this province is the largest in the region and has a lot to offer its visitors.

Physical geography

The province of Macerata is located in the central part of Italy and covers an area of 2,774 km². Its geographical position is particularly attractive, as it overlooks the Adriatic Sea to the east and borders the Umbria region to the west. Moreover, it is the only Marche province that borders with three other provinces of the same region: Ancona to the north, Ascoli Piceno to the southwest, and Fermo to the south.

The territory of the province of Macerata is mainly hilly (67.7%), but there are also many mountainous areas (32.3%). In these areas are located the mountain communities of Potenza Esino Musone, Marca di Camerino, and Monti Azzurri. The jurisdiction of the province also extends beyond the Umbro-Marchigiano Apennine watershed to the territories of Valnerina (Visso).

Province of Macerata: discover the beauties of central Italy.


The economy of the province of Macerata is based mainly on small highly specialized businesses. Among the leading sectors, there is that of footwear, but there are also numerous companies active in agriculture, textile industry, and machinery production. In 2006, the Bank of the Province of Macerata was established, a local bank that offers numerous financial services to private individuals and companies in the region.

Infrastructure and transport

The province of Macerata has a long history of road connections. Since ancient times, it has been crossed by important roads leading to Rome, such as the Via Lauretana. With the arrival of trains, the province has seen the construction of important railway arteries, including the Rome-Ancona Railway and the Castelraimondo-Camerino Railway. Today, the province is served by numerous highways and national roads, connecting it to the most important cities in central Italy. In addition, there are also several airports nearby, facilitating tourist travel.

In conclusion, the province of Macerata is a land rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. If you are planning a trip to this region, don't miss the opportunity to visit it and discover all its hidden treasures. Whether you love nature, history, or gastronomy, the province of Macerata will surely conquer you.

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Friday, Jun 10, 2022