Erto e Casso


Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk about Erto e Casso, a municipality in Friuli-Venezia Giulia that attracts all nature and history enthusiasts.

Physical Geography

Erto e Casso is located in the beautiful Valle del Vajont, near the border with the province of Belluno. It is the westernmost municipality in the region and is located in the area of the Friulian Dolomites, which have been recognized by UNESCO as a natural World Heritage Site. Although the Vajont valley is separated from the Valcellina by the Passo di Sant'Osvaldo (824 m), one can enjoy a breathtaking view from the various surrounding peaks.

Erto and Casso: nature, history and poor art in Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

Origins of the Name

Erto e Casso has ancient origins, the first toponym derives from the Lombard deity Herta, goddess of water, present in various sources in the country, while the second name could derive from "cassa, gabbia" or "shaking".


Erto has been inhabited since pre-Roman times, as demonstrated by the tombs found. Some local habits suggest Celtic influence, but there are also finds from the Roman period such as amphorae, coins, and graves with accompanying objects. Casso was born later, when a group of woodcutters and charcoal burners from Belluno tried to settle, but were forced to settle on the outskirts of the area. Historical documentation proves Casso's existence only in 1558, when the abbot of Sesto condemned the inhabitants for the abusive cutting of the Tocco wood.

The Vajont Disaster

Unfortunately, Erto e Casso are also known for the Vajont disaster of October 9, 1963. The landslide caused a gigantic wave of water pressure that destroyed the Vajont dam, causing the death of more than 2,000 people, including some residents of Casso. Since then, the fraction has almost depopulated, but a memorial has been built to remember the tragedy.

What to see

Despite its tragic past, Erto e Casso have a lot to offer in terms of tourism. You can visit the Vajont museum and learn about the disaster's history or the various Romanesque churches scattered throughout the territory. In addition, the village is famous for its tradition of woodworking, known as "poor art," which can be admired in several local exhibitions.


Erto e Casso are an experience not to be missed for those who want to learn about the area's nature and history. The beauty of the landscape, the richness of the culture, and the kindness of the inhabitants will make you feel at home. Don't hesitate to visit Erto e Casso, you won't regret it!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Monday, Dec 5, 2022