
Piazza Erbe: Verona's oldest and most beloved square

If you're passionate about history, art, and architecture, Verona's Piazza delle Erbe (or Piazza Erbe) is the place for you. Located on the site of Verona's Roman Forum, this square has been the center of the city's political and economic life since ancient times. Over the centuries, Roman buildings have given way to medieval ones, creating a unique blend where past and present are fascinatingly intertwined.

The layout of Verona's Piazza Erbe

Piazza Erbe is renowned for its extraordinary variety of historic buildings that line its sides. The north side houses the ancient Palazzo del Comune, the Lamberti Tower, the Casa dei Giudici, and the Mazzanti Houses. The northwestern section of the square was once the area of the Roman Capitoline, which overlooked the Forum and where many homes retain remnants of frescoes.

Along the south side is the Casa dei Mercanti, or Domus Mercatorum (Verona), formerly the headquarters of the Banca Popolare di Verona. The other houses, less famous but no less interesting, are similar in height and width to the communal towers. However, one of the most beautiful buildings on Verona's Piazza Erbe is undoubtedly the Palazzo Maffei, a masterpiece of Baroque architecture adorned with several statues of Greek gods such as Jupiter, Hercules, Minerva, Venus, Mercury, and Apollo. In front of this palace stands a majestic column made of Carrara marble, with the lion of St. Mark on top, a symbol of the Republic of Venice.

Piazza Erbe: the historical heart of Verona.

The monuments of Verona's Piazza Erbe

Verona's Piazza Erbe is also known for its historic monuments. Among the oldest is the fountain topped by the statue known as the Madonna Verona from the Roman era (dated 380) with subsequent Medieval integrations. The fountain was a spolia artwork commissioned by Cansignorio, who assembled pieces from the Roman era and added medieval ones in the Gothic period. In particular, the large thermal tank and the statue from the Capitolium were said to have been gilded at the time of Cansignorio's hydraulic work to bring water from the Lorì di Avesa stream to Piazza Erbe. The Madonna statue is adorned with a scroll between her hands and bears the old motto of the Municipality, which reads "to this city, bearer of justice and lover of praise."

Another historic monument present in Verona's Piazza Erbe is the capital, called Tribuna. It's a structure dated around the 13th century that was used for various public occasions. In particular, the medieval podestà sat underneath it for the inauguration ceremony and the modern Pretor swore the oath of office there.

Towards Via Cappello stands a column of 14th century origin topped by a small shrine. In the niches carved in relief are the figures of the Virgin and Saints Zeno, Peter Martyr, and Christopher.


In conclusion, if you come to Verona, you can't miss Piazza Erbe, a historic and fascinating square that will immerse you in the story of this beautiful city. You will love strolling among its historic buildings, admiring its monuments, and breathing in the air of one of the most beloved squares in the world.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Friday, Apr 1, 2022