
Welcome to Episcopia: a small town in the province of Potenza

If you're looking for an authentic experience in a small Italian town, then Episcopia might be the right choice for you. Located in the province of Potenza in Basilicata, this town is home to only about 1,273 inhabitants, but it offers many attractions and a fascinating history. In this article, we will guide you to discover Episcopia, from its physical geography to its history, its monuments and places of interest.

Physical geography

Episcopia is located 530 meters above sea level in the southern part of the province of Potenza. Surrounded by the municipalities of Latronico, Fardella, Carbone, San Severino Lucano and Chiaromonte, Episcopia is part of the Valley of Sinni, a river that has influenced the history of the country. The natural environment here is characterized by green hills and breathtaking landscapes.

Episcopia: A Pearl of Basilicata Between History and Nature


Episcopia has a rich and fascinating history dating back to the Byzantine era. It was initially a fortress on the border of the Eastern Roman Empire to protect against the Lombards. The name Episcopia may derive from the Greek επι-σκοπία because the town would have been placed under the protection of God by the Holy monks Christophorus, Saba and Macarius from Collesano. Over the centuries, Episcopia was ruled by the Chiaromonte and Sanseverino families. In 1456, the Castle of Episcopia and the town were granted in feudal ownership to Tommaso Succurto di Senise, a nobleman. After the Conspiration of the Barons of 1486, the feud was reassigned by the King of Aragon to Camillo Della Porta. In 1624, Episcopia became a Marquisate, and so remained until 1788 when the feud was sold to Baron Brancalassi. The patron saint of the town is St. Nicholas.

Monuments and places of interest

The Castle of Episcopia is a famous historical monument that was built by the Byzantines in the 8th century. Located on a rocky spur, the castle has two opposite and different towers. It was initially used as a fortress and was then adapted to the needs of the various rulers, from the Normans to the Angevins. Under the Normans (11th century), the fortress was transformed into a castle; it was expanded and a cylindrical tower was erected in addition to the square one. These two towers are still visible today, but neither is visitable as they have suffered serious collapses. A wide staircase leads to the large portal, on which there are traces of frescoes depicting noble heraldic emblems of the feudal families of Episcopia. At the top of the staircase, the supports of the drawbridge can still be distinguished.

In addition to the Castle, Episcopia has other places of interest that are worth a visit. The Church of St. Nicholas is the main place of worship in the municipality; it was built in the 18th century on the remains of an older church. Other notable monuments are the Church of Sant'Antonio, the Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, the medieval gate of Santa Croce, and the Roman bridge.

What to do in Episcopia

If you're interested in local culture and the history of Episcopia, you can visit the Archaeological Civic Museum, which houses archaeological finds from the Roman period. If, instead, you're a food and wine lover, Episcopia offers different local specialties, such as homemade pasta, sausage, and of course, local wine. Additionally, the town is surrounded by scenic roads that offer a spectacular view of the surrounding landscapes, perfect for a walk or a bike ride.


In summary, Episcopia is a hidden gem of Basilicata, a small town with historical and natural charm. With its variety of monuments, churches, and museums, it offers many opportunities to discover local culture and history. If you're looking for a destination for an authentic vacation in Italy, Episcopia might be the answer to your needs. Come and visit this beautiful town, we'll be happy to welcome you!

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Thursday, Nov 17, 2022