
Beautiful Entratico

Hello everyone! Today, I will talk about Entratico, a delightful village in the province of Bergamo, Lombardy, where approximately 2,000 people live. Entratico is located on the left of the Cherio River, in Val Cavallina, and is about 20 km east of Bergamo.

Its Physical Geography

The territory of Entratico is fascinating, with mountain scenery and beautiful natural landscapes. Its mountains, part of the Bergamo Prealps, make it a perfect place for hiking, trekking, and enjoying nature.

Entratico: History, Nature and Art in a Small Pearl of Bergamo.

Origins of the Name

The name Entratico seems to have a Celtic origin. In this language, it meant "village of the cave." Over the centuries, the name of the village has been changed several times, from "Lantradico" (10th century) to "Lintratico" (13th century), until "Entratico" in the 18th century.

Its History

The first mention of Entratico dates back to the year 830 when a document confirms the sale of a house in the village of "Lintradico" to San Carpoforo di Trescore. In the Middle Ages, the village suffered the consequences of clashes between Guelphs and Ghibellines, like the rest of Val Cavallina, causing death and violence. With the arrival of the Republic of Venice, the situation was resolved, and the village followed the political fate of the province of Bergamo. During the 20th century, Entratico was unified with the neighboring municipality of Luzzana from 1927 to 1948, when it definitively regained its autonomy.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Entratico is not just nature and history but also culture and art. The Buca del Corno is a cave that extends for about 400 meters, where you can admire the effects of water erosion on the surrounding rocks, creating particular suggestive effects. Inside the cave, human presence remains dating back to the Stone Age. The cave is illuminated and can be visited on holidays.

The medieval village with the remains of a small castle "Bus del castel" and the Church of San Martino Vescovo are also places of interest to visit. This church was built on a pre-existing small church in the 19th century. The left altar was designed by the architect Giovanni Francesco Lucchini.

The Sanctuary of the Annunciation is another interesting attraction. It was built in the second half of the 16th century and features remarkable paintings such as the canvas of "San Carlo in meditation" executed by Francesco Zucco, a fresco with the Annunciation (unknown author), and numerous works by Vittorio Manini, including "Nativity of the Madonna," "St. John and the Marys," "The Marriage of the Virgin," and "Pietà with Mary Magdalene."


Entratico is a beautiful village, perfect for nature, history, art, and culture lovers. Visiting it will not disappoint you!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Wednesday, Jun 1, 2022