
Welcome to Enemonzo: a jewel of Carnia!

Enemonzo, or Enemonç in the Friulian language, is a municipality in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, located in a valley characterized by the Tagliamento River and the Degano stream. With a population of 1261 people, Enemonzo offers visitors a place of peace and tranquility immersed in nature, with green hills and surrounding mountains.

Enemonzo: a brief history

The presence of archaeological finds testifies that Enemonzo dates back to an ancient settlement in the Carnia region. However, the name of the town was first mentioned around 1000 as "Enemum". Throughout its ancient history, Enemonzo was part of the Patriarchate of Aquileia, followed by Venetian domination until 1797. During World War II, Enemonzo was invaded by the Cossacks, who committed devastation, violence, and theft.

Enemonzo: Treasures of Carnia between culture and nature.

What to see in Enemonzo

Enemonzo's cultural and artistic heritage makes it an ideal destination for history and art enthusiasts. Among its places of interest are the Church of Saints Ilario and Taziano, the Church of San Giorgio, the Church of San Nicola di Bari in Maiaso, the Church of Santa Giuliana in Fresis, the Chapels of San Rocco, and the Pagans' Cave.

Enemonzo: society and demographics

The Friulian language is spoken in Enemonzo alongside the Italian language, based on the sense of the deliberation of August 3, 2001. The Friulian language spoken in Enemonzo is one of the variants belonging to the Carnic Friulian. The municipality experienced a demographic increase between 2001 and 2011.

Administration in Enemonzo and the association of municipalities

Enemonzo is part of the association of municipalities of the "Intermunicipal Park of the Carnic Hills," established in 2007 with the municipalities of Lauco, Raveo, and Villa Santina. The administration works to ensure the well-being of citizens in the splendid setting of Carnia.


Enemonzo is a small municipality characterized by its historical, cultural, and artistic heritage, perfect for a vacation immersed in nature. The welcoming population and the spoken Friulian language create a family atmosphere ideal for an authentic experience. Come and discover all the treasures of Enemonzo!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Saturday, Jan 15, 2022