
Welcome to Marcignana!

An introduction to the place

Hello everyone and welcome to Marcignana, a charming hamlet in the commune of Empoli, in the province of Florence. Approximately one thousand people live in this predominantly flat and agricultural area located in the lower Valdarno, near the confluence of the Arno river and its tributary, the Elsa. Marcignana is mainly developed along two roads: the Via della Nave di Marcignana, named after the ferry that used to operate in the area, and the SP 10, which takes the name of Via Val d'Elsa. The village is surrounded by nature and enchanting landscapes, and is easily accessible thanks to the presence of two provincial roads: the SP 10 and the SP 11.

Marcignana: nature, history, and architectural beauty.

The history of Marcignana

The earliest evidence

But let's talk about the history of this place. The first evidence of Marcignana dates back to May 24, 883, when the bishop of Pisa granted land in this locality, in the parish of San Ginesio, in emphyteusis. Later, on August 2, 991, another act of emphyteusis was issued for goods and revenues in different towns, including Marcignana, by the bishop of Lucca to the sons of Ugo di S. Today, the village has various historical testimonies, such as the church of San Pietro and some rural complexes, which represent a precious cultural heritage.

How to reach Marcignana

The roads

But how do you get to Marcignana? Currently, there are two provincial roads that intersect the village: the SP 10 and the SP 11. The first of these is the oldest axis of the village, along which the church and the oldest houses are located, while the second was built in the 19th century and gave new life to the village, opening its doors to development and urbanization. Furthermore, near Marcignana there is an exit from the Florence-Pisa-Livorno motorway, which greatly facilitates travel in the area.

The beauties of Marcignana


But let's talk about the beauties of Marcignana. The territory is characterized by lush nature and rich colors, making it a perfect place for those who love to spend time outdoors. Walks, bike rides or picnics in the countryside: everything is possible here.


But it's not just nature. The village is also rich in wonderful architecture, such as the church of San Pietro and some rural complexes, where you can breathe the authentic spirit of Tuscany. Moreover, Marcignana is well connected to nearby art cities such as Florence, Pisa, and Siena, which are easily reachable by car or train.

What to do in Marcignana


In short, Marcignana is an absolutely suggestive place, offering numerous activities for all tastes and ages. You can spend a day in relaxation and tranquility, or book a guided tour of the historical and artistic places of interest. In any case, one thing is certain: coming here means immersing oneself completely in a unique atmosphere, made of colors, sounds, and scents that only Tuscany can offer.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Monday, Oct 24, 2022