Dusino San Michele

Dusino San Michele: a Piedmontese municipality with a strong and current symbolism

Dusino San Michele is a small Italian municipality in the province of Asti, in Piedmont, with a population of around 1072 inhabitants. Despite its small size, this Piedmontese municipality has its own history and symbolism, which make it relevant not only for its residents but also for Italians in general. In this text, we will delve into the meaning of the famous "km 41", the demographics of the municipality, its administrations and the accolades given to the Carabinieri patrol that demonstrated courage in this area.

The symbolic meaning of "km 41"

The municipality of Dusino San Michele is known for the "km 41" on the Strada Regionale 10, the location mentioned in the song "Signor tenente" by Giorgio Faletti, presented at the Sanremo Festival in 1994. Today, the Carabinieri of the Villanova d'Asti Company Command are still responsible for constantly monitoring traffic in that area. The "km 41" has taken on a strong symbolism associated with the battles against the Mafia, for the values of honesty and justice.

Dusino San Michele: history, symbols, and courage of its inhabitants.

The Carabinieri patrol in the history of "km 41"

On the morning of April 21, 2017, the Carabinieri patrol of Dusino San Michele became the protagonist of an even more impactful story in the territory. Their courage averted a potential road disaster, putting their own lives at risk. Some time later, for their civic commitment, they were awarded honorary citizenship of the municipality. This episode further strengthened the relationship between citizens and law enforcement, and renewed the conception of "km 41" as a symbol of the fight against crime.

Demographic evolution and administrations

Dusino San Michele, like every Italian municipality, has undergone demographic changes over time. Given its small size, the variations in the number of inhabitants have been less significant than in other Italian cities. In addition, in the table of successive administrations, one can appreciate the alternation between mayors of different political parties, with the prevalence of those from the Christian Democracy party.


Thanks to its strong symbolism associated with "km 41", its institutional representatives, and the vitality of its community, Dusino San Michele represents an important reality for the province of Asti and for Italy as a whole. The courage demonstrated by the Carabinieri patrol has renewed the bond between citizens and law enforcement, for constant control of the territory against crime. Moreover, the alternation of mayors from different political parties demonstrates a strong capacity for adaptation and dialogue among the different political realities of the municipality.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Thursday, Jan 27, 2022