
Discover Durazzano: a jewel of Campania

If you're looking for a place full of history and character, Durazzano might be just the destination for you. Located in the west of the province of Benevento, this town with its 2088 inhabitants offers breathtaking views of Monte Burrano, Monte Longano, and Monte Aglio, perfect for your Instagram photos. If you're passionate about clean energy, you can't miss the wind turbine plant with its 7 turbines installed in 2005.

Discovering Durazzano

The name of the town seems to be linked to an ancient "serfdom," although it may derive from the term "Oraczanum," first mentioned in the 14th century. Throughout history, Durazzano has seen many noble families pass through, including the Carafa, Tomacelli and Loffredo families. In the 18th century, it became a "royal land." During the Neapolitan Revolution of 1647, Durazzano was also shaken by the upheaval of feudalism.

Durazzano: a treasure of Campania

Symbols of the Town

The symbol of the Municipality of Durazzano was granted by decree of the President of the Republic in 2004. The gonfalon is a yellow flag bordered in blue.

What to see

The list of monuments and places of interest in Durazzano is long: from the bridge of the Valle di Durazzano, which is part of UNESCO's World Heritage, to the Church of Santa Maria di Costantinopoli and the Chiesetta del Grottone. Don't forget to visit the quadruple-towered medieval castle, where you'll find the coat of arms of the Della Ratta Family, and the remains of an ancient Roman villa.

Local Life

Life in Durazzano is peaceful and welcoming, with a constant demographic evolution. The town is easily accessible thanks to bus connections with nearby towns such as Cervino, Maddaloni, Sant'Agata de' Goti, Dugenta and Faicchio.


The current mayor of Durazzano is Crisci Alessandro, re-elected in 2019, who leads the Municipality with the "Project for Durazzano" list.

In summary, if you want to discover a place full of history, natural beauty, and tranquility, Durazzano is definitely a must-visit destination for your next vacation.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Sunday, Dec 11, 2022