
Getting to know Dosolo

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about the municipality of Dosolo, a small town with an interesting and fascinating history. Located in the province of Mantua, in Lombardy, Dosolo has a population of about 3277.

Origin of the name

The name Dosolo derives from the Latin "doxolum," which means small hill. In fact, the town is situated on a small hill surrounded by hills.

Discover Dosolo: history, nature and typical Lombard cuisine.



Dosolo's history is linked to that of the Correggioverde fiefdom, of which it was an integral part. The fiefdom belonged for a long time to the Dovara family of Isola Dovarese, and then passed into the hands of the Gonzaga family of Mantua.

The Correggioverde feud was the subject of a dispute between the Gonzagas and Princess Gigliola Gonzaga Visconti, who was its heir. Despite the coercion and pressure she suffered, Gigliola managed to assert her rights and regain ownership of the fiefdom.

Dosolo over the centuries

Over the centuries, Dosolo has been an important center for agriculture and animal husbandry, thanks to the fertility of the land and the presence of numerous sources of water.

During World War II, the town suffered heavy damage due to Allied bombings. However, thanks to the work of the inhabitants and the help of the authorities, Dosolo was rebuilt and returned to being a thriving agricultural and economic center.

In recent decades, Dosolo has seen a gradual but steady growth, both in terms of population and economy. Today the town offers numerous services to its residents and visitors, and represents an interesting tourist destination.

What to visit in Dosolo

If you have the opportunity to visit Dosolo, you must not miss some of its main attractions. Here they are:

Church of San Gemolo

The Church of San Gemolo is an ancient building dating back to the thirteenth century. Its interior is characterized by a beautiful frescoed apse and a finely crafted wooden altar.

Oglio River Park

The Oglio River Park is a protected natural area that extends for about 30 kilometers along the course of the Oglio River. Here you can enjoy unspoiled nature and breathtaking scenery.

Historic center of Dosolo

The historic center of Dosolo is a succession of cobbled streets and ancient red brick houses. Walking through its streets, you can breathe the typical atmosphere of small Lombard towns.

Dovara Palace

The Dovara Palace is an imposing building dating back to the seventeenth century. Today it houses the town hall of Dosolo.

Typical cuisine of Dosolo

In addition to the beauty of the town, Dosolo is also famous for its typical cuisine, which is based on local products and peasant tradition. Among the most representative dishes are pumpkin tortelli, polenta taragna, risotto alla mantovana, and oven-baked pork shanks.

You cannot leave Dosolo without trying its typical desserts, such as sbrisolona, cherry tart, and brutti ma buoni.


In summary, Dosolo is a town that deserves to be discovered and appreciated for its natural beauty, history, and delicious cuisine. If you are looking for a quiet and authentic place to spend a few days of vacation, Dosolo is definitely the place for you. Come and visit us, and you won't regret it!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Tuesday, Mar 22, 2022