
ciaoSudSardegna: let's explore this amazing province together!

The South Sardinia province is an Italian region located in the southern part of Sardinia. With a population of over 335,000 inhabitants, this province was established in 2016, merging the territories of the former provinces of Carbonia-Iglesias and Medio Campidano, along with the municipalities of Genoni and Seui. The capital of the province is Carbonia, which is also the largest municipality in the territory.

Physical Geography

The territory of the province is characterized by a vast plain known as Campidano, bordered by a mountainous group to the west, east, and north. To the south, the territory borders the metropolitan city of Cagliari, to the northeast with the province of Nuoro, and to the northwest with that of Oristano. There are numerous islands in the province, including the Sulcis archipelago, Serpentara Island, Cavoli Island, and other smaller islands.

Exploring the province of South Sardinia: a land of sea, mountains and history. #helloSouthSardinia


The province of South Sardinia has many mountains, such as the Sette Fratelli Massif, Monte Genis, Monte Linas, Sulcis Mountains, and a southern part of the Gennargentu Massif.


There are numerous rivers such as the Cixerri, Flumini Mannu, and Flumendosa, and many artificial lakes such as the Monte Pranu Dam, Bau Pressiu Dam, Corsi Lake, Leni Dam, Medau Zirimilis Dam, Mulargia Lake, and Flumendosa.


The province of South Sardinia is famous for its beaches, being bathed by the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Sardinian Sea. Among the main seaside destinations are the Dune of Piscinas, Costa Verde, Masua, Fontanamare, the islands of Sant'Antioco and San Pietro, Porto Pino, Teulada, Chia, Villasimius, and Costa Rei.


The province of South Sardinia was established in 2016 following the reform law of the provinces in Sardinia. The territory of the province is characterized by the presence of numerous archaeological ruins that testify to human presence since prehistoric times, such as Nuraghi, Domus de Janas, and Tombs of the Giants. In the Phoenician-Punic period, the area was famous for the mining of precious metals such as lead, silver, and copper. In the Roman period, the city of Sulci, located on the southwestern coast of Sardinia, was one of the most important commercial ports of the Roman Empire.


The province of South Sardinia is a unique region that deserves to be explored. Known for its beautiful beaches and rich history, this province offers a great variety of tourist attractions. From splendid natural landscapes to archaeological ruins, there is a lot to see and do in this part of Sardinia. We hope you enjoyed this overview of the province of South Sardinia and are already planning your next adventure in this wonderful part of Italy! ## ciaoSudSardegna.

Sara Esposito
Wrote by Sara Esposito
Updated Tuesday, Jul 26, 2022