Domegge di Cadore

Welcome to Domegge di Cadore!

Hi everyone! Today I'll tell you about Domegge di Cadore, an Italian municipality located in the province of Belluno, in Veneto. With its 2243 inhabitants, Domegge di Cadore is located in the Dolomites of the upper Piave valley, on the right bank of the river and at an altitude that varies from 655 meters above sea level of the old part of the Vallesella fraction, up to 900 meters of the Grea fraction. So, are you ready to discover more about this beautiful area?

Physical geography

One of the most beautiful things about Domegge di Cadore is that it is located in the mountains, making it perfect for nature lovers. The mountain ranges on which the territory extends are Monfalconi, Spalti di Toro to the east; and Marmarole to the west. Among the most representative peaks is Monte Montanèl (2,441 m) of the Monte Cridola group.

The municipality is crossed by the Piave river, harnessed by the dam of Pieve di Cadore to form the Centro Cadore lake. On its territory, to constitute a border with the adjacent municipality of Calalzo di Cadore, the Molinà and Talagona streams flow, while the Cridola stream, an affluent of the aforementioned Piave, separates it administratively only from the municipality of Lorenzago di Cadore.

But Domegge di Cadore is not only a mountainous area, it is also famous for the production of eyeglass frames! For over 120 years, these places have been a sought-after destination for purchasing optical products.

Domegge di Cadore: nature, history and eyeglass frames.


If you are passionate about archaeology, know that Domegge di Cadore has a very interesting history. The discovery in a quarry in the Crodola locality (m.801) of a bronze sickle and ax dated to the 13th-12th century BC is the oldest sign of human presence in Cadore. Another very interesting find is the iron helmet found in Pegnola (Vallesella) dated to the 4th-3rd century BC; a study by Dr. Gambacurta makes a comparison with the information on the helmets found in Lozzo di Cadore, Calalzo di Cadore and Pieve di Cadore to affirm that it is a unified typology.

Coins have also been found, including some that date back to Vespasian (69-79 AD) and Marcus Aurelius (161-180 AD) in various locations in the municipality, such as ''Col de Medol'', ''Vince'', ''Casa De Bernardo''. Moreover, in the center of Domegge, a burial of three inhumations (two adults and a young one), supine with the head facing north, was found. The kit was composed of a necklace with glass paste beads, a silver earring, bronze armilla and chain; the material was dated to the 6th-7th century AD.

During excavations, parts of bronze objects, armor, and even a human skull were found. In 2004, construction work confirmed the presence of a burial area in the area located to the east of the church.

In short, Domegge di Cadore has a long and fascinating history!


I hope I intrigued you about Domegge di Cadore! This Italian municipality offers the perfect combination of nature, archaeology, and craftsmanship, and I assure you that it's worth visiting. Whether it's for a mountain walk, a visit to the archaeological sites, or just to buy a pair of glasses, Domegge di Cadore will not disappoint you!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Tuesday, Jan 24, 2023