Casalorzo Geroldi

Welcome to Casalorzo Geroldi!

Hi everyone, today I'll talk to you about a small town located in the Municipality of Derovere: Casalorzo Geroldi. Are you ready to discover more about the history and features of this place? Let's get started!

History of Casalorzo Geroldi

Casalorzo Geroldi has ancient origins and during the Napoleonic Age, precisely in 1810, it was suppressed and incorporated into the Municipality of Cingia de 'Botti. Fortunately, in 1816, with the establishment of the Lombardo-Veneto Kingdom, Casalorzo Geroldi regained autonomy. In 1829, furthermore, the municipality of Casalorzo Boldori was incorporated into Casalorzo Geroldi, creating a single administrative entity.

At the Unity of Italy, in 1861, Casalorzo Geroldi had 400 inhabitants. However, in 1868 the municipality was definitively suppressed and incorporated into the municipality of Derovere.

Casalorzo Geroldi: History and Curiosities of an Ancient Lombard Municipality

Notes on Casalorzo Geroldi

If you're curious to learn more about Casalorzo Geroldi, I suggest you visit the website of the Municipality of Derovere. Here you'll find useful information about the history and activities of the surrounding areas.

External links

Additionally, you can find some external links that will allow you to discover more about neighboring municipalities and the tourist activities available in the area.

So here, friends, is my brief presentation of Casalorzo Geroldi. I invite you to visit this place to discover the beauty and history of Lombardy. Thank you for reading!

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022