
The Municipality of Delia: a charming city

Delia is a welcoming and picturesque municipality located in the free communal association of Caltanissetta, in Sicily. The town has a population of 3,877 inhabitants and is characterized by an enchanting and charming landscape. The beautiful scenery is made up of hills covered with olive and almond groves, which extend around the hill of the Cross. From the highest point, with an altitude of 447 meters above sea level, one can enjoy a suggestive panorama that embraces the surrounding hills and the plain of Gela. Furthermore, from the opposite side of the city, it is possible to admire Campobello di Licata and Naro, with their ancient fortress standing out on the horizon.

The history of Delia

In the area where Delia stands today, there was once the ancient Petiliana or Petilia. According to Vito Amico, the name Delia would derive from the fact that Petiliana hosted a sacred temple dedicated to the goddess Diana. Moreover, the name Diana was very common among girls at that time, which could confirm this hypothesis. However, other sources maintain that the name Delia derives from the Arabic term for "vineyard".

In De Spucches, we can find traces of the foundation of the Municipality of Delia by Gaspare Lucchesi, who became the Baron of Delia between 1581 and 1600. In 1623, his descendant Giuseppe Lucchesi was appointed as Marquis of Delia. The parish of the Madrice church was founded in 1622 by the bishop of Agrigento. In 1689, Delia was erected as an Archpriesthood, while the church was expanded in 1791.

In 1844, with a bull of Gregory XVI, Delia passed from the diocese of Agrigento to that of Caltanissetta. In the nineteenth century, the Municipality passed to the Tinebra family, who became its owners. Delia played a modest but significant role in the struggle for Italian unification and in the liberation of Sicily after Garibaldi's landing in Marsala. After the unification of Italy, the history of Delia intertwined with that of the rest of the country.

Delia, the city of olives and the Norman Castle.

The Norman Castle

About three hundred meters from the town of Delia, there is the Norman Castle. Built on a steep rock, this ancient fortress has been recently restored. The castle is an example of medieval architecture and was one of the centers of social and economic life of the city.


In summary, Delia is a picturesque and welcoming city located on the hill of the Cross in Sicily. The charming landscape and medieval castle are just some of the attractions that make Delia unique. The history of the municipality has had its ups and downs, but today it is loved by all its inhabitants and visitors.

Martina Moretti
Updated Tuesday, Jan 18, 2022