
Dazio: A Small yet Characteristic Municipality in Valtellina

Dazio is a small municipality in the province of Sondrio in Lombardy. With its 485 inhabitants, it is one of the smallest municipalities in the area. Located in Valtellina, it is surrounded by the mountain range of Colmen di Dazio, making it almost hidden from view.

The area where the municipality is located is flat and is situated between Colmen di Dazio and Corno del Colino. Dazio is located at the eastern end of the Costiera dei Cech and is characterized by an area of just 3.73 km².

The History of Dazio

The district of Pilasco was ceded to the municipality of Ardenno in 1963. The history of Dazio, on the other hand, dates back to the period when Giovanni Guler von Weineck was governor of the Valtellina region between 1587 and 1588. At that time, the settlement of Dazio was described in detail by the governor.

The coat of arms and banner of Dazio were granted by the president of the Republic in 2020.

Dazio: Small town in the Valtellina with history and monuments.

Monuments and Places of Interest in Dazio

The Church of San Provino, dating back to 1690, is one of the most important monuments in the municipality. It has a baroque façade and inside there is only one nave with six side altars. The main altar is characterized by a carved, painted, and gilded wooden ciborium, with two golden-winged lamp-bearing angels at its sides.

Another area of interest is Colmen di Dazio, a mountain formation that runs through Valtellina and divides the area into lower and middle Valtellina.

Society in Dazio

At the end of 2018, the municipality of Dazio had 442 residents, divided into 206 males and 236 females. There were 15 foreign residents.

In the municipality of Dazio, there are scattered houses and a low number of economic activities, including some artisanal, agricultural, and receptive-touristic activities. Many of the houses in the municipality are second homes and job opportunities for residents are found in the valley.

Municipal Administration

The municipal administration of Dazio is responsible for the management of the territory and economic activities in the municipality.

Economy in Dazio

The economy of Dazio is influenced by its small territory and limited presence of economic activities. In the seventeenth century, a phenomenon of emigration developed, especially towards the city of Rome, as evidenced by the surname Caporali.

Today, job opportunities for residents are mainly found in the valley. However, there are still some artisanal, agricultural, and touristic activities in the municipality.

Notes and Bibliography

There are some sites of historical and cultural interest, as well as naturalistic sites, in the municipality of Dazio. For more information, reference can be made to the mentioned bibliography.

External Links

To learn more about the municipality of Dazio, you can visit the official website of the municipality.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Wednesday, Oct 26, 2022