
Welcome to Cuvio!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a small municipality in Lombardy called Cuvio. Here you can breathe in the air of history, remaining fascinated by the numerous testimonies of the past.

A bit of history

Cuvio is a municipality of 1,633 inhabitants located in the province of Varese in Lombardy. The name of the municipality derives from Valcuvia, located on the southern slope of this territory.

Throughout history, Cuvio was a fiefdom of several noble families, including the Cotta, the Visconti Borromeo Arese and the Litta. Over the years, the municipality underwent several municipal aggregations, but eventually returned to the previous situation.

Discover the historical beauty of Cuvio!

What to see in Cuvio

If you pass through this area, you can't miss the church of Saints Peter and Paul, the main place of worship in the municipality. Inside, you can admire paintings, sculptures, and works of art of great historical and artistic value.

Not far away is the church of San Rocco, dating back to the seventeenth century and dedicated to the patron saint of plague victims.

Among the civil architecture, one cannot fail to mention the Palazzo Litta Visconti di Arese, of medieval origin but rebuilt and converted into a noble residence in the seventeenth century. This palace, which dates back to 1450, originally belonged to the Cotta family and then passed to the powerful Milanese family of Litta Visconti Arese.


If you want to take a leap into the past, I recommend visiting Cuvio. Here you can admire the architectural beauties of the municipality, including the church of Saints Peter and Paul, the church of San Rocco and the Palazzo Litta Visconti di Arese. You won't regret it!

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Sunday, Jan 1, 2023