
Welcome to Cuveglio!

Hello everyone! Today we discover together Cuveglio, a municipality in the province of Varese, Lombardy, which has about 3272 inhabitants. This city is very important because it is the main municipality of Valcuvia. If you are a lover of history, this is the right place for you: the city has a very ancient history, dating back to 1730. Then, over time, the population has grown significantly, reaching 259 in 1751 and 644 in 1805. In the rest of the text we will see together how the demography of this city has evolved.

Cuveglio: history and attractions of Valcuvia.

Society in Cuveglio

Demographic Evolution

As I told you before, Cuveglio has seen a significant increase in population over the years. In 1853, its population was 567 inhabitants. It is interesting to know that, during the Napoleonic era, the city was annexed to Vergobbio and then to Cuvio, while in the fascist era there was the annexation of "Cuveglio in Valle" to Cuvio.


Most of the inhabitants of Cuveglio profess the Catholic religion; in particular, the Canonica fraction is the episcopal vicariate seat of the diocese of Como, and administers jurisdiction over 16 neighboring parishes. In the city there is also the evangelical community of "Bethany", which supports the spread of Evangelicalism.

Infrastructure and transportation in Cuveglio

Cuveglio is located along the State Road 394 of Verbano Orientale and was served by a Valcuvia tramway station, a means of transport that has had great importance in the history of the country. That's why visiting Cuveglio will completely immerse you in the history of the territory.


In conclusion, Cuveglio is a town with an ancient history but that presents itself as modern and always attentive to the needs of its community. The city has multiple tourist attractions, such as the valley and the tramway, and allows visitors to discover the beauties of the region. I hope I have made you want to visit this small but fascinating municipality of the province of Varese.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Saturday, Jul 16, 2022