
Cusago: a Lombard town with a history and natural beauty

Cusago is a municipality in the metropolitan city of Milan, in Lombardy, with a population of approximately 4,429 inhabitants. The territory has a quadrangular shape and borders Cisliano, Trezzano sul Naviglio, Milan, Bareggio, Cornaredo, and Settimo Milanese.

The natural beauty of Cusago

The municipality of Cusago boasts a great natural beauty. There are precious woods, such as the Bosco di Cusago, which extends over 175 hectares between the municipalities of Cusago and Trezzano sul Naviglio, which houses rare animal and plant species that are, in some cases, protected by the WWF.

Moreover, the territory is crossed by the Naviglio Grande, an artificial canal built on the orders of Leonardo Da Vinci, which connected Milan to the Ticino and was used for the transport of goods. The Naviglio Grande has recently been renewed, offering an opportunity for cycling enthusiasts and walking enthusiasts.

The history and nature of Cusago.

History of Cusago

The origins of the municipality

The first historical traces present in the Cusago territory date back to the III-II millennium BC. In 1943, a stone axe was found in the Cascina Felice area, which testifies to the presence of primitive men in that area.

Cusago is now located along an ancient road that, exiting Milan near Porta Vercellina, passes through Baggio (Milan) and continues towards Cisliano, Albairate, and Abbiategrasso. Since Roman times, Cusago represented a focal point for routes from Milan to its countryside in the surrounding area.

The origins of the name of Cusago

The origin of the name Cusago seems to date back to Roman times when, according to the scholar Olivieri, it would be linked to the Latin name ''Cusiacus,'' in turn from the personal name ''Causius.''

Cusago di Sotto and Cusago di Sopra

The oldest nucleus of the village can be found in the locality called Cusago di Sotto, mentioned in archive documents as Cusago Vecchio. It was probably the medieval villa, the village without defensive structures, destined to suffer the centripetal force of the adjacent ''castrum,'' which would later be called a castle and which would take on its current forms in the age of Bernabò Visconti.

Cusago di Sopra, instead, assumes the urban structure of the rural village, although conditioned by the castle.

Cusago in the Middle Ages

We learn from the ''Liber Notitie Sanctorum Mediolanensis'' by Goffredo da Bussero that the settlement had already acquired a village conformation in ancient times, citing the presence of a church dedicated to Sant'Agnese in Cusago, of which no traces remain today, but whose dedication would suggest the Lombard era.

Confirmation of this fact seems to come from a ''placet'' celebrated before Sigifredo, a palatine count during the reign of Berengario I, at whose presence Urso of the late Angilberto, Boniperto son of the late Angelfredo, Hildefredo, Luvefredo, Bonifredo, Iseberto presbyter, Lupo son of Pietro, Giseverto son of Rodemundo, Magno son of Dominicone, all inhabitants of the village of Cusago with clear Lombard-Germanic derivation names were called.

The village underwent many transformations over the centuries, becoming an important agricultural center and craft production in the medieval period.

Cusago in later centuries

The Renaissance and Baroque periods were very important for the village. During the Renaissance, numerous beautiful villas were built, which hosted Milanese noble families and are still present in the municipal territory.

In the Baroque period, the castle of Cusago was enlarged under the Austrians' dominion and became a fortress with military functions.

Cusago today

The municipality of Cusago boasts a natural, cultural, and artistic heritage of great value and represents an ideal destination for those who want to spend a day outdoors in a relaxing and refined environment.

The municipality also offers numerous activities and services for residents and visitors, including the municipal library, the Elderly Social Center, the Sports Center, the Dance Studio, the Music Institute, the Multipurpose Gymnasium, and much more.

Furthermore, the municipality organizes numerous cultural and sports events throughout the year, such as the Cusago Rock Festival, the Sagra di San Cristoforo, the ''Cusagol'' soccer tournament, and much more.


Cusago is a Lombard municipality rich in history, natural beauty, and tradition. It has a privileged position, making it a reference center for the metropolitan city of Milan and neighboring municipalities. Its inhabitants are welcoming and do everything they can to make visitors feel at home.

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Thursday, May 12, 2022