
Welcome to Macerata Campania: a city in the Pianura Campana

Hello everyone! Today we'll talk about Macerata Campania, a municipality in the province of Caserta, in Campania. Macerata Campania has a population of 10,026 people and is located 6 km west of Caserta and 30 km north of Naples. It is characterized by its position in the low valley of the Volturno river, south of it and north of the Regi Lagni, in the vast Pianura Campana, closed to the northeast by the Tifata mountain range, near the reclamation canals of the ancient river Clanio constituted by the Lagno Gorgone, Lagno Vecchio and Lagno di Sant'Andrea.


The municipality of Macerata Campania is logistically located in the triangle Caserta - Santa Maria Capua Vetere - Marcianise, bordering Casagiove, Casapulla, Curti, Marcianise, Portico di Caserta, Recale and Santa Maria Capua Vetere.

In addition, it is well-connected, being about 1 km away from the stretch of the State Road 7 Via Appia that connects Santa Maria Capua Vetere to Caserta, along which is located the highway junction "Caserta Nord" of the A1 motorway (Italy) - European route E45 and the access to the State Road 700 of the Reggia di Caserta that crosses the municipalities of Maddaloni, Caserta, Casagiove, San Prisco (Italy) and Santa Maria Capua Vetere.

Macerata Campania: a town in the Campanian Plain.


The flat area in which Macerata Campania is located is the largest in Campania, which significantly affects the climate. Thanks to the influence of the sea, the part that goes from the coast to the first mountains surrounding the municipality of Macerata and the nearby Caserta, enjoys mild temperatures and a higher degree of humidity, which makes the climate moderately muggy in the summer months.

Based on the thirty-year average reference period 1961-1990, estimated by the Caserta Meteorological Station, the average temperature of the coldest month, January, is +9.6 °C, with a very low snowfall index, that of the warmest months (July and August) is +26.3 °C, with maximum temperatures often exceeding +30 °C and peaks of 36-38 °C.

Origins of the name

The toponym ''Macerata'' reflects the Latin ''maceria'' (for ''maceries''), already in the 5th century AD, in the sense of a city ''overthrown, reduced to rubble, destroyed''. It is interesting to note that the name may derive from the fact that the Vandals, led by Genseric, destroyed the city of Capua, and the survivors chose the name ''Villa Macerata'' (destroyed hamlet) to indicate the place where they had lived and where they intended to return. This toponym was contracted into ''Macerata'' for simplicity of language and writing.

Finally, until 1862 the municipality retained the denomination of ''Macerata'', which was changed by ''Regio Decreto n. 903 del 12 ottobre 1862'' (Royal Decree no. 903 of October 12, 1862) to ''Macerata Marcianise'', inserted in the Province of Terra di Lavoro (1860-1927). With ''Regio Decreto n. 2185 del 19 novembre 1925'' (Royal Decree no. 2185 of November 19, 1925) the municipality of Macerata Marcianise was authorized to change its denomination to ''Macerata Campania''.


In summary, Macerata Campania is a historic and fascinating city that awaits to discover all its treasures. Have you ever thought of taking a walk along its streets to admire the skill of its artisans and taste typical gastronomic products? We invite you to visit the municipality of Macerata Campania, where relaxing and enjoying the atmosphere of Campania has never been so easy. Come visit us!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Tuesday, May 10, 2022