
Welcome to Levata!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about Levata, a small hamlet in the territory of Curtatone (located only 5 km from Mantua). It may not be Italy's most famous tourist destination, but it has its own history and charm.

History of Levata

Levata was a small rural village, with scattered houses along the main road. But in recent decades, it has developed very quickly, becoming a popular residential area. However, not everyone knows that there are documents attesting to the presence of a priest and the collection of rents already around 1200.

Furthermore, the history of Levata is linked to that of the Italian Risorgimento. In fact, the parish priest Luigi Martini, confessor of the Martyrs of Belfiore, found refuge here. In short, there is always a hidden story behind an apparently insignificant landscape!

Levata: the history and art of a small hamlet a few kilometers from Mantua.

Art in Levata

The church of Levata is a pearl of neoclassical architecture, built around 1600 and dedicated to Saint Thomas. If you like sacred art, it is worth a visit. In addition, the village has a considerable number of rural architectures dating back to the time when Levata was the center of a rural area, and there are also beautiful alleys to get lost in.


In short, Levata is a pleasant place with an interesting history. If you are in the vicinity of Mantua, it is worth a visit. Remember to walk along the main road, observe the beauties of the rural houses and visit the church dedicated to Saint Thomas. Have fun!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Monday, Dec 12, 2022