
Cupramontana: history, monuments and traditions

Cupramontana, formerly known as ''Massaccio'', is a town in the Marche region with a population of over 4000 inhabitants. The city's name comes from the goddess Cupra, the goddess of fertility and beauty worshiped by the pre-Roman population of the Piceni who had a temple dedicated in the area.


Cupramontana was an important Roman municipality, whose historical evidence is found in the cemetery area. In the Lombard period, it was part of the Spoleto-Camerino duchy, changing its name to ''Massaccio''. In the 13th century, the town was inherited by Emperor Frederick I Hohenstaufen, also known as Frederick Barbarossa, but at the death of Conradin of Swabia, the Pope included the Lombard-Swabian site in the Castles of Jesi and therefore in the Papal State.

The 15th century was an important period for the city because some elements belonging to the heretical group ''Bertolani'', known as Fraticelli, settled there. At the end of the 18th century, with the Napoleonic campaigns, the town had to resist the aggression of French troops. Only with the Unification of Italy, with the royal decree of 1 December 1861 n. 358, was the authorization to return to the original name of ''Cupramontana'' granted.

Cupramontana: history, monuments and wine.

Monuments and places of interest

Cupramontana offers many tourist attractions for all tastes:

The International Wine Label Museum is a collection of labels from all over the world. The earliest specimens date back to the beginning of the 19th century.

The Municipal Library, located in the eighteenth-century municipal palace, preserves 80 incunabula and 434 sixteenth-century editions. Inside the library, there is also the "Luigi Bartolini" documentation center.

The Collegiate Church of San Leonardo, completely rebuilt in the eighteenth century on a previous building, preserves a silver cross from the fifteenth century. Inside, you can admire a ''Circumcision'' by Antonio Sarti from 1615 and wooden works by Andrea Scoccianti, also known as Raffaello delle Fogliarelle.

The Hermitage of the Caves, also known as the Hermitage of the White Friars, has been a place of refuge for hermit friars since the fourteenth century.

The Abbey of the Blessed Angel, also known as the church of Santa Maria della Serra, was founded as a Camaldolese monastery in 1180. It was completely rebuilt during the nineteenth century and currently houses the body of the Blessed Angel of Massaccio, prior of the monastery killed in 1458 by a group belonging to the Bertolani sect, called Fraticelli.

The Castle of Poggio Cupro, located near Cupramontana, is its only hamlet. It preserves the original medieval structure and has a single entrance gate. The Church of San Salvatore, completely renovated in the fifteenth century, presents inside a fresco of Saint Florian dating back to 1470, the oldest representation of this saint in the area.


The population of Cupramontana in recent years has been steadily growing, from which the city has developed a strong local identity. The territory is characterized by a very important production of Verdicchio wine, which is celebrated with the Grape Festival in the first weekend of October. In addition, many other cultural and sporting events take place throughout the year.

Traditions and tourism

Cupramontana is an ideal place for tourism, thanks to its natural beauties and many cultural attractions. In the summer, numerous sporting events take place, such as volleyball, five-a-side football and football tournaments. The city is also famous for the music festival "Cupramontana Live", where famous guests from the music world perform under the stars.

The city also offers various opportunities for trekking, mountain biking, and nature walks. Finally, the production of Verdicchio wine represents one of the most important traditions of the area. Verdicchio is a precious wine, appreciated all over the world, thanks to its freshness and delicacy.

In conclusion, Cupramontana, with its history, monuments, wine production, and strong cultural identity, is an ideal place for tourists looking for beauty, culture, and tradition.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Saturday, Aug 13, 2022