
Welcome to Cugliate-Fabiasco!

Cugliate-Fabiasco, or "Cüjaa" as the locals call it, is a municipality located in the province of Varese, Lombardy, with a population of about 3020 inhabitants. The official altitude of the town is 516 m above sea level, measured at the parish church of S. Giulio.

A unique geography

Cugliate-Fabiasco stretches from 435 m above sea level of the valley floor up to 1100 m above sea level below the summit of Monte Piambello. This gives the municipality a peculiar natural beauty, added by the marvelous valleys of Valmarchirolo and Valganna. The microclimate of the town is characterized by cold and snowy winters and not particularly hot summers, but in recent years it has been changing due to global warming.

Cugliate-Fabiasco: natural beauty and unique hospitality.

A name with ancient roots

The name of the town has undergone many variations over time, but has maintained its roots in the "Cuja" dialect. Cugliate and Fabiasco were separate municipalities but were grouped together in the new municipality of Val Marchirolo until 1955 when the municipality of Marchirolo was reconstituted and what remained of Val Marchirolo took on the new name of Cugliate-Fabiasco.

A unique history

Cugliate has a history that dates back to the Roman civilization, especially thanks to its position on the "Via Mediolanum-Bilitio", a road that connected Milan to Lugano passing through Varese. The municipality also has a part of the Northern Frontier, known as the "Cadorna Line". In the town we find a medieval structure with narrow streets and characteristic dwellings.

Points of interest

There are many places of interest in Cugliate-Fabiasco. The town structure is typically medieval with narrow streets and dwellings with the typical court shape. The town's banner is a troncated cloth of red and azure.

Culture and education

Education in Cugliate-Fabiasco includes a nursery school and an elementary school. But the town's culture is not limited to education alone. There are also events throughout the year such as the celebration of S. Luigi Gonzaga, which takes place on June 21, and the festival of San Defendente, the patron saint of the town, which takes place on the last Sunday of September.

Welcoming community

The hospitality in Cugliate-Fabiasco is warm and friendly. Residents are called Cugliatesi or Fabiaschesi. Here you can taste excellent homemade wine and spend time outdoors in one of the parks in town. Cugliate-Fabiasco is perfect for those who want a break from the stress of big cities and want to enjoy the beauty of nature.

So, what are you waiting for? Take a look at Cugliate-Fabiasco and get swept away by its natural beauty and the warm hospitality of its inhabitants.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Thursday, Dec 1, 2022