Cuasso al Monte

Cuasso al Monte: the place

Hello! Today, I will talk to you about Cuasso al Monte, a charming Italian municipality located in the province of Varese, Lombardy. The village has 3560 inhabitants and is locally known as ''Cuàs ar Munt''.

Physical geography

Cuasso al Monte is located at the foot of Monte Piambello and covers an area of ​​almost 16.43 km², making it one of the largest municipalities in the province of Varese. Its altitude ranges from 274 to 1129 meters above sea level. The municipal territory is separated by a thin strip of land from Lake Lugano and includes the hamlets of Cuasso al Lago, Cuasso al Piano (divided into Cuasso al Piano di Sopra and Cuasso al Piano di Sotto), Borgnana, Cavagnano, all characterized by the presence of buildings built with local stone of the characteristic pink color.

Cuasso al Monte: history and geography of a Lombard municipality.


The territory of Cuasso al Monte is part of the main hydrographic basin of Lake Maggiore and the secondary basin of Lake Lugano. The watercourses of the municipality include the Valle Cavallizza stream, the Valle Murante stream, the Valle Borsago stream, and the Reporiora ditch.


The climate of Cuasso al Monte is typical of the Lombard Prealps, with dry winters, very rainy springs and autumns, and mild summers. The Cuasso al Monte area is known for having among the highest precipitation in the Lombardy Region, with 99 average rainfall days per year.


The origin of the name of the municipality is still the subject of some hypotheses. One theory suggests that it could derive from the Latin ''Locus Cuvaxi'' (place of the den), while for others it would not have a particular meaning. According to a third hypothesis, it could derive from a crasis between the Latin word ''covum'' (den) and the Latinized Germanic word ''Sachsum-i'' (Scramasax-Saxon), referring to a military structure such as the Castle.

In any case, the history of the village dates back to at least the thirteenth century, and the territory was disputed between the cities of Como and Varese. During the Renaissance, Cuasso al Monte was under the control of the Republic of Venice and later passed under the dominion of the Habsburgs.


Overall, Cuasso al Monte is a fascinating place, immersed in nature and characterized by a rich history and local culture. If you are in the area, I recommend visiting it to discover all its beauties!

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Friday, Oct 14, 2022