
Discovering Crova, a small town in Piedmont

Hello friends, today I will talk about Crova, an Italian town located in the province of Vercelli, in Piedmont. This small town has a population of only 371 inhabitants and is famous for rice production, the main product cultivated on most arable land.

A quick look at the history of Crova

The town of Crova has an ancient origin and its first mention dates back to 991, when it was still part of the Novara diocese territory, but its history often overlaps with that of Vercelli. Crova has a beautiful coat of arms recognized by the royal decree of 1929. This coat of arms depicts a two-point halberd, symbolizing Saint Peter, the patron saint of the town. The patronal feast of Saints Peter and Paul is celebrated on the second Sunday of July.

Crova, a spell of tradition and nature.

A glance at society and its demographic evolution

The inhabitants of Crova are called "Crovatin" in the local dialect. The town has a very active social life, managed by the municipal pro-loco. However, the population of Crova has decreased over the years. In 1951, the population reached a maximum of 776 inhabitants, but after a few decades it dropped below 500. In the following years, the number of inhabitants continued to decrease until it reached the current 371.

Crova: culture and traditions

The local dialect, a variant of the Piedmontese language, is still widely used in Crova. Cultural and traditional life is expressed through the activities of the municipal pro-loco. The patronal feast of Saints Peter and Paul is the highlight of local traditions and is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of July.

The city's economy

The fertile land and mild climate of this area make it perfect for rice cultivation. More than 95% of the usable agricultural land is dedicated to the cultivation of this cereal. This means that the economy of Crova is mainly based on agriculture. Livestock is also present, but to a much lesser extent than rice cultivation.


The town of Crova has a class of local administration that helps manage the affairs of the town. There are mayors and councilors who work for the well-being of the community. These are elected every five years and deal with issues related to road maintenance, waste collection, municipal construction, health, education, transportation, and economic development.

Sports in Crova

Football is the most beloved sport in Crova. A.S.C.R. Crova Calcio plays in the Serie A championship of the Italian Sports Center of the province of Vercelli. This local youth team is highly appreciated by the community and continues to attract new fans every year.


In short, Crova is a lovely place where you can taste tradition and culture. Excellent foods, such as rice, and a peaceful and relaxing environment offer a memorable vacation. Visit the town of Crova, enjoy its beauty, its food, and local activities, and immerse yourself in an authentic experience of Italian rural life.

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Wednesday, Feb 2, 2022