
Crosa: a small town in Piedmont

Crosa is a small town located in the province of Biella in Piedmont. Until December 31, 2015, Crosa was an autonomous municipality of 354 inhabitants. Today, Crosa is part of the municipality of Lessona.

Physical geography

Crosa is located on the left bank of the Strona di Mosso stream. It is surrounded by a mountainous area and enjoys a cool and dry climate.

Crosa: a Piedmontese town between mountains and history.

Name origins

The name Crosa derives from the Piemontese language term for the intersection of different transhumance routes around which the village developed.


Crosa was originally one of the five cantons that made up the Mortigliengo community. In the 13th century, the area remained almost deserted and was home to a vast forest. Around the year 1000, Emperor Otto III donated the forest to the archdiocese of Vercelli. Subsequently, the territory became more densely populated and the parish seat was founded in Mezzana Mortigliengo. In 1243, the territory came under the control of the Municipality of Vercelli. In 1351, Mortigliengo was given to the Visconti family, and in 1373, it returned to the Vercelli curia.

During the Italian Resistance, Crosa was the scene of various clashes between partisans and Nazi-fascists; mainly Brigate Garibaldi units operated in the municipality's territory. In 1627, the inhabited centers of Mortigliengo separated from each other, becoming autonomous municipalities. Crosa is located in the southwestern part of the ancient community.


The coat of arms and flag of the municipality of Crosa included a golden lion with seven stars, representing the seven communities of the county. The letter C was the initial of the village's name, which, combined with the rose in the lion's paw, formed the name C+rosa.

Monuments and places of interest

The main monument in Crosa is the parish church dedicated to Saints Cosma and Damiano. The church was built in the Middle Ages as a simple oratory and was subsequently enlarged and renovated.


Over the years, Crosa has seen a decrease in its population. Before the dissolution of the municipality, Crosa had 354 inhabitants.


The municipality was part of the Val Sessera, Valle di Mosso and Prealpi Biellesi Mountain Community. Today, Crosa is part of the municipality of Lessona.

In conclusion, despite its small size, Crosa has a unique historical and cultural heritage that is worth discovering and preserving. If you are looking for a peaceful and relaxing place, Crosa could definitely be the right choice for you.

Andrea Fontana
Updated Tuesday, Apr 19, 2022