Poggio Umbricchio

Welcome to Poggio Umbricchio!

Poggio Umbricchio is a beautiful hamlet located in the town of Crognaleto, in the province of Teramo. The village is situated on a rocky hill with a steep slope, at the foot of the Monti della Laga, on the left bank of the Vomano river. It takes only a few minutes to reach Poggio Umbricchio from the SS80 of Gran Sasso d'Italia, the old road that connects L'Aquila to Teramo.

The history of Poggio Umbricchio

The village of Poggio Umbricchio has ancient roots, dating back to Roman times, when there was a settlement along the Cecilia Road. Over the centuries, Poggio Umbricchio was ruled by several noble families and was a fief of the Acquaviva, Valignani, Cantelmo, and Orsini families. In the fifteenth century, the village was ruled by the Lords of Poggio Ramonte, which then passed to the Castiglione di Penne family. In 1806, Poggio Umbricchio became an autonomous municipality and remained so until 1813, when it was incorporated into the municipality of Crognaleto.

Poggio Umbricchio: History and Treasures of an Abruzzo Hamlet.

The Church of Santa Maria Lauretana

The Church of Santa Maria Lauretana is one of the treasures of Poggio Umbricchio. The building, located on a hill above the village, has a single nave with a pitched roof. Inside, there are frescoes from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, along with four golden altars that have stood the test of time. In addition, the church houses a Roman milestone dating back to the imperial era, which serves as the base of the holy water font and attests to the presence of a Roman road, the Via Cecilia.

The decline of Poggio Umbricchio

Like many mountainous areas in Italy, Poggio Umbricchio has experienced significant emigration in recent decades, going from a population of about 700 people in the second half of the twentieth century to an almost deserted situation in the winter months. However, the remaining inhabitants of the village are proud of their land and strive to preserve its culture and traditions.


For those who want to delve into the history and culture of Poggio Umbricchio, we recommend reading the book "La valle dell'alto Vomano e dei Monti della Laga," published by the Cassa di Risparmio Foundation of the Province of Teramo in 1991. The volume, part of the series "Documents of the Teramo Abruzzo," contains many useful information about the area.

In summary, Poggio Umbricchio is a place of great charm, rich in history and culture, and worth visiting to admire its natural beauty and architectural treasures.

Veronica Vitale
Updated Monday, Jul 11, 2022