
Welcome to Crognaleto: the Scattered Municipality in Abruzzo

Crognaleto is a small municipality located in the province of Teramo, in Abruzzo. The name comes from the dialectal term ''crognale'' which means Cornus mas. The town center is located at 1,105 m above sea level, but the municipal headquarters is located in the village of Nerito. The municipal territory, which extends on both sides of the Vomano Valley, is characterized by dense beech and oak forests. The municipality is part of the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park and a section of the Ippovia del Gran Sasso passes through it.

Physical Geography

Crognaleto is located on the eastern slopes of the Monti della Laga and offers spectacular views of forests and hills. Nature is the true jewel of this municipality, which is surrounded by pristine natural environments. The territory offers many opportunities for hiking, trekking, and walking or horseback riding.

Crognaleto: nature and traditions in Abruzzo.


The territory of Crognaleto has a history that dates back to pre-Roman times, but most of the current inhabited centers seem to have medieval origins. The territory along the Vomano Valley was affected by the passage of what seems to have been the Via Cecilia. The first news appears at the end of the 13th century when the nearby Amatrice claimed possession of some places now part of the municipality. The current municipality was established in 1813, during the Napoleonic occupation.


The coat of arms of the municipality of Crognaleto was recognized by decree of the Head of government Prime Minister Secretary of State on February 25, 1936. The gonfalon was granted by decree of the President of the Republic on February 14, 2008.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Crognaleto hosts numerous churches and monuments, some of which date back to the 15th century. Among the religious architectures, the Church of San Salvatore is one of the most important. The Church of the Madonna della Tibia was built as an ex-voto by Bernardo Paolini. The current church, larger than the previous one, was built a short distance from the previous one in 1617. Originally it was flanked by a house for pilgrims, now in ruins. Among the natural areas of Crognaleto, the Castagna di Crognaleto has been requalified during the 2000s and offers visitors the opportunity to discover enchanting landscapes and a biodiversity characteristic of Abruzzo.


Crognaleto has a population of 1118 inhabitants and is located in a remote and quiet location. Over the years, the demographic evolution has seen a reduced number of inhabitants, but this has preserved the authentic and relaxed atmosphere of the municipality. Crognaleto boasts some traditions and folklore, such as the ''Fuoco di Natale'' in the village of Nerito and the ''Fiera della Pastorizia'' in the village of San Giorgio.


The cuisine of Crognaleto is a fundamental element of the culture of the municipality. The ventricina di Crognaleto is a sausage that is produced following ancient traditions. This sausage is made up of pork fat mixed with a low percentage of shoulder or other lean meat, minced and seasoned with spices and chili pepper and then stuffed into the animal's stomach or bladder. The ventricina di Crognaleto has been recognized as a traditional Italian agri-food product by the European Union.

Crognaleto is an authentic and peaceful municipality, which offers the possibility of living a life in full contact with nature and the popular traditions of Abruzzo.

Veronica Vitale
Updated Monday, Jul 11, 2022