
Let's discover the Bolognines of Italy together

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about some Italian locations that bear the name "Bolognina". There are several cities in Italy that have neighborhoods or districts called this way. In this article, I will tell you about four Bolognines scattered throughout the Italian territory.

Bolognina - district of Bologna

Let's start with Bologna, the city where the original Bolognina is located. It is a district located north of the historic center, which has undergone considerable transformation in recent decades. Once considered a popular neighborhood, now Bolognina is a multicultural and lively area, much appreciated by young people and students. Among the attractions of the district, there is certainly the famous Mercato delle Erbe, where you can find fresh and quality food products.

But Bolognina is also famous for an event that changed Italian political history: the Svolta della Bolognina. In 1989, in fact, the Italian Communist Party's secretariat adopted a series of reforms and political changes that led to the dissolution of the party itself and the birth of the Democratic Party of the Left. This historical event is still remembered with pride by the inhabitants of the district.

The Bolognese of Italy: between history, nature, and art.

Svolta della Bolognina - political process that led to the dissolution of the Italian Communist Party and the birth of the Democratic Party of the Left

To deepen the Svolta della Bolognina, it is worth making a small historical excursion. In 1989, the Italian Communist Party (PCI), under the guidance of Achille Occhetto, decided to face a series of reforms and political changes. The aim was to bring the party closer to European social democracy and distance itself from traditional communist ideology.

The reforms were approved during a meeting of the party secretariat held precisely in the Bolognina section headquarters in Bologna. Within a few weeks, the PCI was definitively dissolved and the new Democratic Party of the Left (PDS) was founded. This event marked the end of the communist tradition in Italy and the beginning of a new political period.

Bologna (Perledo) - hamlet of the municipality of Perledo (LC)

Let's change region and move to Lombardy, precisely in the municipality of Perledo, where the hamlet of Bologna is located. The location is situated in a panoramic position, with a view of Lake Como and the surrounding mountains. The hamlet is characterized by the presence of some ancient churches, including the church of Santa Margherita.

If you are in the area, I recommend taking a walk along the paths that wind through the woods and hills. You will enjoy breathtaking views and unspoiled nature.

Bolognina (Bedizzole) - hamlet of the municipality of Bedizzole (BS)

Still in Lombardy, but this time we move further south, in the province of Brescia. Here is the hamlet of Bolognina, in the municipality of Bedizzole. It is a very small but very characteristic location. The hamlet develops around a small church dedicated to St. Joseph, which houses some works of art inside.

Moreover, near Bolognina, there are some wine production cellars, where you can taste the delicacies of the territory.

Bolognina (Crevalcore) - hamlet of the municipality of Crevalcore (BO)

Our tour of the Italian Bolognines ends in Emilia-Romagna, in the province of Bologna, precisely in the hamlet of Bolognina, in the municipality of Crevalcore. The location is situated in a strategic position, between the Reno river and the Emilia road. Here, there are some historical buildings, including the church of the Assumption and the Meloncello Palace.

Bolognina has also been the scene of some important historical events, such as the battle between Napoleon and the Austrians in 1796. Today, the hamlet is a quiet and hospitable location, ideal for those who want to spend a weekend dedicated to culture and nature.

Here are the four Italian Bolognines! I hope this article has intrigued you and given you some ideas for a future trip. See you next time!

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Thursday, Sep 15, 2022